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Eagle -- Pagan Symbol of Renewal

This Raptor is One of Symbolism, Legend, Lore and Superstition

Jan 31, 2009 Jill Stefko

Although Benjamin Franklin objected to Eagle as the national bird, its qualities and representations reinforce the decision. Learn about this esteemed powerful bird.

Eagles, members of the Accipitridae family, are raptors, native to all continents except Antarctica. They have powerful hooked beaks, strong legs, mighty talons and eyesight that is exceptionally keen. Eagles live in aeries on high cliffs or tall trees.

These diurnal raptors eat fish, turtles, ducks, birds, small and baby mammals, rodents, snakes and carrion. They steal prey from other birds and animals. This is what led Benjamin Franklin to write a letter to his daughter declaring the eagle was a “bird of bad moral character” after it, not the wild turkey, was named America’s symbol.

AmerIndian Eagle Symbolism

Eagle symbolizes Great Spirit, Wakun Tonka, and the connection to the Divine. He imparts the ability to live in Spirit’s realm, yet remain connected to Maka, Earth. He represents a state of grace obtained through understanding, hard work and completing tests of initiation resulting in claiming one’s own personal power.

Key words are creation, illumination of Spirit and healing. The cycle of power is all seasons and in daylight, Eagle has the talent to see the overall pattern. He also symbolizes great power and balance, dignity with grace, a connection with higher truths, intuition and a creative spirit grace achieved through knowledge and hard work.

Eagle’s feathers are considered sacred to AmerIndians. Federal law has made it illegal for anyone, except for those who are certified AmerIndians, to own the raptor’s feathers. Violators of this law face a fine up to $100,000 and a year in prison for this misdemeanor. A second offense is a felony with a maximum penalty of two years in prison, a $250,000 criminal fine and a civil penalty up to $5,000.

Celtic Eagle Symbolism

Eagle, IIolair, symbolizes renewal, courage and intelligence. He helps people see their lives in a wide context thus enabling decision making and clearly setting goals objectively. He’s a powerful courageous ally, drawing power from the sun, and teaches how to rejuvenate and renew one’s life.

Eagle Symbolism and Legends: Ancient Cultures

  • Egypt and Babel: Eagle was the symbol of the noon day sun, which signified their Great Spirit.
  • Egyptian: Eagle was the messenger to the deities and the sun, a symbol of eternal life.
  • Egypt: Every decade, Eagle flew into the Underworld’s flames, lost his feathers, but gained a new life.
  • Roman: Eagle carried Jupiter's thunderbolts and a sign of power. This was adopted as a symbol of Roman emperors and carried before the Empire's legions.
  • Greeks: Eagle was the messenger to Zeus who took Eagle’s shape when he carried his lover, Ganymede, to Mt. Olympus.
  • Sumerian: Eagle is the vehicle to travel from earth to Heaven.
  • German: Eagle represented Wodan, the ruler of the deities.
  • Hindu: the Rig Veda describes how the god Indra rode on Eagle and stole the drink of immortality from heaven.
  • Ireland: Adam and Eve didn’t die. The transformed into Eagles and live on an island off of the Emerald Isle’s coast.
  • Wales: When Snowden’s eagles fly over the flat lands, death and disease will follow. Snowden is as ancient sacred mountain.
  • Welsh Lleu and Scandinavian Odin transform into Eagles. Lleu does not die, but is transformed into an eagle reaches the Otherworld in its shape. Odin seeks protection and knowledge as Eagle.
  • The Bible: Eagle is the messenger of God and a link between Heaven and earth.

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Favorite Animals of North America, Will Barker, (Portland House, 1987)

The Medicine Cards,Jamie Sams & David Carson, (Bear & Company, 1988)

The copyright of the article Eagle -- Pagan Symbol of Renewal in Paganism/Wicca is owned by Jill Stefko . Permission to republish Eagle -- Pagan Symbol of Renewal in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.
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