Instructions for authors

PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA is a monograph series published by the Institute of Palaeobiology of the Polish Academy of Sciences associated with the quarterly journal Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Its format, established in 1929 by Roman Kozłowski, remains virtually unchanged. Although conservative in form, PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA promotes new research techniques and methodologies of inference in palaeontology. It is especially devoted to publishing data which emphasise both morphologic and time dimensions of the evolution, that is detailed descriptions of fossils and precise stratigraphic co-ordinates.

Manuscripts submitted to
PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA should conform to the style of its latest issues. Generally, it is expected that costs of printing, which are kept as low as possible, are covered by the author.

Submit three copies of a double spaced manuscript and figures (good photocopies). It is recommended to leave the right margin without justification. Do not send originals of illustrations and floppy discs until the manuscript is finally accepted. After all the editorial work is completed and alterations introduced by the author, we request the final version of the text on IBM compatible disc and originals of illustrations (except of those computer generated). Most word-processing formats are acceptable (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect); Microsoft Word 6.0/95/97/2000 or RTF (Rich Text Format) is preferred. If the program used is nonstandard, the material should be provided also in text format on a separate disk, marked as "text file". 

The authors who's native language is not English should have their papers checked linguistically.

Titles should be as brief as possible but informative. Do not use terms or names which may not be known to most readers, for instance the names of local stratigraphic units. Avoid abbreviated words, authorship, and dates following taxonomic names.

The abstract, not exceeding 900 characters and spaces, should state the results rather than describe its contents. Avoid literature citations. New systematic or stratigraphic names introduced in the article should be mentioned. Keywords should be provided immediately after the main abstract text.

In preparing a manuscript please follow the style of the last issue of PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA.The Introduction should be concise and intelligible to an unexperienced paleontologist. The diagnoses of new taxa should refer to characters distinguishing the new taxon from others (apomorphies).

To ease the control of complex stratigraphic nomenclature it is recommended to use, whenever possible, chronologic time units (with adjectives `Late' and `Early') instead of chronostratigraphic or biostratigraphic ones. Avoid abbreviations of zonal names, write their correct genus and species rank names in full (at least when they appear for the first time) and italicized.

Construct synonymy according to the following plan: year, taxonomic name and authorship exactly as given in the cited publication; author(s) of the paper (in uppercase letters): page and figure references. Do not use an ampersand (&) instead of `and' in citations and references.

Citations should be written as in the following examples: (Sobolew 1914), (Kozłowski 1948: 176, fig. 54, pl. 24:1-7).

Figure, plate and table captions should be self explanatory but as short as possible. Plates should be designed for the area of 170 x 230 mm, and the originals should not be wider than 210 mm. As a rule plates follow the text of each article, but it is possible to include particular figures (including photographs) into the text pages as text figures. When constructing plates do not leave unnecessary space between the items or at the sides. If the line artwork is computer generated, please send both printouts and computer files (preferably CDR, PCX, or TIFF formats). Photographs can have black or white background, but margins of photographed objects must be clearly delineated. The labelling should be done on copies or transparent overlays, not on the originals. Lettering of items in composite figures should be A, B, C etc. (not a, b, c), in plates 1, 2, 3 and a, b, c for different aspects of the same item. Figures in text are referred to as Fig. (Figs) but as fig. (figs) in citations. Figures in plates are referred to as a number following the number of plate (e.g. Pl. 12: 1a, but pl. 12: 1a in citations). All figures should be provided with the author's name and figure number.

Do not abbreviate journal names and give the editors' names of symposium volumes and edited books. Please, repeat the author's name in each entry, if there are several references to any one author. Please consult last issues of PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA for the reference format. 

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