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Making ‘No Child’ Better

The Obama administration must hold the line against critics who want to weaken an ambitious plan to revise the No Child Left Behind Education Act.

Get On With Iraq’s Election

Instead of trying to keep competitors off the ballot, Iraq’s leaders should be debating their country’s serious problems and telling voters how they will fix them.

What Price Politics?

Congress must act quickly to repair the damage from the Supreme Court ruling that ended limits on corporate and union campaign contributions.

Living and Dying in Albany

Albany needs to stop putting off the approval of an 18-year-old bill to allow family members to make health decisions for incapacitated loved ones.


An American in Congo

Five years ago, Lisa Shannon watched the Oprah show and learned about the savage, forgotten war in Congo, played out in atrocities such as mass rape. Today, she's rebuilding lives there.

Bloggingheads: Abortion Kills Reform?

Jonathan Cohn, left, of The New Republic and Timothy Noah of Slate discuss the role of abortion in a potential health care compromise.


Fiscal Scare Tactics

Fear-mongering on the deficit as part of the Republican political strategy could end up doing as much harm as the fear-mongering on weapons of mass destruction.

The Sporting Mind

Big-time college sports, though absurd, have some virtues.

Dog Days in China

There's nothing rational in the view that it's weird of the Chinese to eat dog. After all, in the West pet "micro pigs" are becoming fashionable.

Op-Ed Contributors

Will Science Take the Field?

An admission by the N.F.L. that football-related concussions can cause long-term brain damage comes 80 years after the data.

Fade to White

The blacks who are enraged by “Precious” have probably figured out that the film wasn’t meant for them.


Mystery Men of the Financial Crisis

The time has come to hear from the insiders who know what really happened during the banking crisis.

Grifters' Tale

Sarah Palin wants to get in front of the same parade John Edwards wanted to lead, and the resemblance doesn't end there.

The Conversation
How Safe Is Safe Enough?

When it comes to trying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in Lower Manhattan, dictating policy through security demands doesn't seem to be the right answer.

Space: It's Still a Frontier

The proliferation of empty space presents an opportunity to re-think urban infrastructure.

The Internet vs. Obama

The Internet has fostered special-interest lobbies that have made it progressively harder for Washington to get anything done.


Why are the animals of the Galápagos less skittish than their counterparts on continents?


William D. Cohan
Mystery Men of the Financial Crisis

The time has come to hear from the insiders who know what really happened during the banking crisis.

Video Nicholas D. Kristof
An American in Congo

An Oprah show on victims of rape in Congo inspired Lisa Shannon to take action.

From the Archive
Op-Classic, 1992: And Go to Sleep
George H.W. Bush

President George H.W. Bush showed in his State of the Union speech that he felt his re-election was inevitable, wrote the columnist Russell Baker.


Freakonomics on NYTimes.com

Authors Steven Levitt, Stephen Dubner and guest contributors blog about the hidden side of the economy.
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