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Labor Groups

Nihon Jichitai Rōdō Kumiai Sōrengō 日本自治体労働組合総連合

This association does not state any original view regarding constitutional revision, but claims it is an advocate of the Article 9 Association, which opposes revision. The website introduces related news and proposes a detailed and complex charter for reform of prefectural governments and local autonomous bodies.


Tokyo Jichitai Rōdō Kumiai Sōrengō 東京自治体労働組合総連合

This association is an advocate of the Article 9 Association and opposes the revision of Article 9. It opposes the LDP revision draft especially from a local autonomy perspective. It has even established an anti-constitutional corruption department (東京自治労連憲法改悪阻止闘争本部). The association supports the current constitution (especially Article 9), and focuses on the relationship between the constitution and local authority.