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Welcome to MyLeaky! You're here to enjoy the web's biggest and ever-growing Harry Potter social network.

If you're on this page, you have, at some point in your life, signed up for something on Leaky, be that our LeakyLogin, our forum or MyLeaky itself. Any one of those logins works here.

If you have never signed up, you need to go here to register!

If you're in the right place, go on and log in, and enjoy the friends, groups, events, videos, and community with tens of thousands of other Harry Potter fans! Get started and earn points for your house! Change the look of Leaky with our house skins! Come on in and have fun!

By registering for a MyLeaky account today you are joining more than 75,000 other users in an ever-expanding Harry Potter community. Welcome, and enjoy!

Known Issues

Trying to set your Favorite Ship on your profile does not work for all browsers.
First reported Jan. 30th, 2009