Together we will protect the environment!


The expected electricity shortage will require, as a strategic goal that the state will promote a policy of reducing the amount of energy that is consumed in the construction and maintenance of buildings.

The Likud under Netanyahu will work to grant incentives for "Green Construction" via tax deductions oreasing of zoning restrictions, which has worked so successfully elsewhere.

We will initiate environmental legislation proposals, and raise public awareness of the issue.
We will promote usage of the railway system and the opening of reasonably priced parking lots.

We will obligate cities to open bicycle trails, and bicycles will be allowed on public transportation.

Public buildings and shopping malls will be required to facilitate parking for bicycles, and economic incentives will be given to people riding bicycles to work.

We will strive to prevent the construction of another coal based power plant and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as search for green alternatives to produce electricity to close the electricity production deficit.

We will act to solve the problems of air pollution and toxic infrastructure.

We will promote environmental committee projects in municipalities across Israel.