
Key Partners and Customers
An-148 Regional Aircraft Family

The family of An-148 aircraft is represented by several passenger models with different range and passengers capacity as well as cargo and Business Jet versions. The design is made by Antonov Design Bureau (Kiev). Serial production is performed at the aviation plant in Voronezh.

An-148 is equipped with two D-436-148 engines.

The aircraft design features the highwing which secures the engines from the ground particles, allowing the take-off and landing from the poorly prepared runways under the severe weather conditions.

  An-148-100A An-148-100Â An-148-100Å An-148 ABJ
Passenger capacity 75 passenger (32”), 80 passenger (30”) 10–40
Range, km 1400 2700 3500 6000-7000
Maximum fuel capacity, kg 12 100 êã 17030
Cruise speed km/h 800–870
up to 12 200
Flight altitude, m
Take-off distance required, m 1600 1800 1900 1900
Aerodrome elevation, m 1500 (3000) äî 3000
Ambient temperature range, °Ñ -55...+45  
Fuel consumption, kg/h 1550 1600 1650 1600-1650
Landing category II (IIIA) IIIA
Community noise level Chapter IV ICAO
Maximum take-off weight, t 38,55 41,55 43,7 43,7

IFC offers four options of An-148: 148-100-A/B/E/ and ABJ – a Business jet.

All the four options have the unified airframe, systems and power unit.

An148-200 (will appear in 2011) – a stretched version of An 148-100 provides capacity of 99 people and flight range up to 2,500 km.

Download presentation An-148-100 A-B-E