Microsoft Education Competencies: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions that others, like you, want to know. Learn about the Education Competencies including how they were developed and how to use them.

Q.What are the different ways to use the competencies?

The Microsoft Education Competencies are designed to help educators and administrators develop professional skills and proficiencies. They can also be used to help school districts and other educational organizations find the right job candidates fill key jobs.

Q.How do I find competencies specific to my role?

The Competency Wheel shows all the competencies an organization needs as a whole to be successful. Certain roles, however, have greater dependencies on specific competencies. Role-specific resources can be found in the Success Profiles section.

Q.Can someone come to our team and walk us through the competencies?

The Microsoft Competencies tool was created to assist organizations in developing the skill sets of their employees. If you would like to learn more about how to expand the effect of this resource, please visit the Lominger Web site.

Q.How were the competencies developed?

Lominger is a recognized world leader in the field of human resources and development, and helped Microsoft create a similar tool for its own use. Through a Microsoft Partners in Learning grant, Lominger and Microsoft worked with the School District of Philadelphia and education leaders from around the world to develop this educational version of the competency wheel. Built on research-based principles, this model of the competency wheel reflects resources similar to those used by leading organizations around the world.

Q.Can I get the competencies in my language (French, Spanish, Chinese, etc.)?

Currently, the Education Competencies tools are only available in English.


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