
May 22, 2009, 11:15 am

Technology for Your Marathon Training

Today, the Gadgetwise blog debuts a new weekly Marathon Tech Review featuring e-tools, gadgets and applications that runners can use to monitor their workouts and train for race day.

In her first Friday review, Danielle Belopotosky tests out the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, which includes a sensor for your shoes that collects information from your run. The gadget tracks pace, distance, duration and calories burned, among other things. Danielle is also training for her first marathon and will keep you updated on her progress as she searches for gadgets and technology that can make training easier.

To learn more, read the complete review on the Gadgetwise blog.


  1. 1. May 22, 2009 11:51 am Link

    i have the last generation– a sportband with a chip for my shoes. To be honest, it’s been collecting dust in a desk drawer for almost a year. I found it to be reasonably accurate on streets, but terribly inaccurate for any type of off-road running (what?! she cries, I’ve gone 0.8 mi in 35 minutes!).

    Furthermore, I’m concerned about the use of headphones while running– what about that dog about to jump out of the bushes, the car making a sudden right turn, the biker warning you they’re about to pass on your left? Headphones/gadgets are great for the gym, where moving dangers are few to none, but in the great outdoors, having your ears open and aware is a simple safety precaution.

    — Marie
  2. 2. May 22, 2009 11:56 am Link

    I used to have the Nike+. It was a great motivating tool while getting into running. But once I was settled into the habit I didn’t care for it anyomre. It is only accurate at the pace you calibrate it for – so if you go really fast one day, your distance will be off (I wore mine in a 5k race and it came up 0.4 miles short of the race distance). And it claims to be within 10% accurate of your distance. No big deal to be off by 10% on a 3 mile run. But if you are setting out for a long 15-mile marathon training run, you don’t want to find out you were 1.5 miles short of your goal!

    But gadgets in general do make running fun – especially while they are still new toys. Good luck Tara, I’m already enjoying following you and your quest!

    — Sara
  3. 3. May 22, 2009 1:16 pm Link

    I’m not much for high tech or expensive presents, but for my husband’s last birthday I splurged on the Garmin Forerunner 405 which works off of satellites using a built-in GPS and includes a heart-rate monitor.

    Since he often runs on trails it was hard to know how far he had run. This sleek watch-like device does it all.

    It records speed, time, pace, calories & heart rate. All the info downloads wirelessly to a program that tracks everything you could possible want to track. And you don’t even have to download it–you just need to be in range of your computer.

    It’s far beyond me–but he had it up & running in no time. He was amazed by all the data it gave him, & he was able to compare one work-out from the next. He also claims it’s very easy to use.

    Here’s what it does:

    * Review your workout data, including pace/speed, distance, time, calories burned; and if available, heart rate, cadence and detailed elevation.
    * View a detailed graph of your workout data, plotted over time or distance.
    * View a map of your workout that shows the exact path you traveled.
    * Categorize your workout history according to type of activity.
    * Review previous workouts, which are saved by day and week.
    * Create customized workouts with specific goals and rest intervals. Then send them to your fitness device.*
    * Schedule workouts for a specific day with calendar.
    * Get custom workout templates designed by the experts at

    I did the research before purchasing–and I found terrific information from an ultrarunner at this site:

    I’m certain it was the best present I ever bought him.

    BTW, I personally workout with a Polar heart rate monitor. It’s incredibly motivating!

    — The Healthy Librarian
  4. 4. May 22, 2009 3:00 pm Link


    I’ve been riding bicycles (fast) with headphones for at least 100,000 miles and have never had any “deafness” related accidents or issues.

    How do you hear a dog about to jump out? If a car is turning right, then they are in front of you. If you are worried about cyclists hitting you, try keeping right and not erratically changing direction.

    By the way, actual hearing-impaired people don’t suddenly die the moment they step foot outside.

    — brennan
  5. 5. May 22, 2009 3:03 pm Link

    Dear Ms. Parker-Pope,

    I love your blog, but I wish that, in the interest of your runner readers, you would focus on REAL technology for running.

    Not the gadgets, but actual technique – what endurance runners can do to make sure their running is structurally sound to avoid/forestall injury, and what other activities, like swimming or yoga, they will need to do to balance out the stress they’re putting on their skeletal system by running on concrete.

    In the meantime, here is a brilliant and useful bit of science on running mechanics from the BBC – maybe you could interview the conditioning coach that the BBC featured?

    Apologies if you’ve already covered this.

    Also, in the spirit of the marathon, you could write about the world’s best endurance runners – the Tarahumara of the Copper Canyon, who run non-competitively for 50 miles at a time, with an emphasis on community building.

    Chris McDougall has a new book on the tribe – fascinating.

    FROM TPP — I will check all this out. thanks

    — eva
  6. 6. May 22, 2009 4:19 pm Link

    I second Eva, I would like to read about other aspects of running that could help a beginner like me do it in a healthy way.

    Also, I’m broke, so the gadget reviews aren’t really going to help me get in shape. And I’m sure I’m not the only broke one, especially these days.

    — elle
  7. 7. May 23, 2009 11:51 am Link

    To Eve and Elle,
    You can learn other aspects of running by reading Runners world magazine, but if you are indeed broke as you say, you may read free content at their website.


    — Constantine
  8. 8. May 23, 2009 4:00 pm Link

    Thanks for the great post! Cool tech tools aside- I have a health question. I enjoyed running in college, but stopped when I heard it can be really hard on your joints, with the possibility of causing knee issues later in life. Does anyone know facts on this? I just find it difficult to work toward something like a marathon in light of the fact that I may be damaging my body…

    FROM TPP — Running in general is not bad for your joints. I’m going to write about this in the next few weeks in more detail. Some people have problems, and some dont’. But plenty of people who don’t run have knee problems and some don’t.

    — Rebecca
  9. 9. May 23, 2009 9:16 pm Link

    I live in downtown San Francisco. Where I live, very few jog with headphones on – out of a basic desire to survive. I have heard too many stories from friends of acoustically unaware joggers being ambushed by street thugs – being knocked down and then robbed. I also note that very few bicyclists wear headphones either. I assume that they too want to live unharmed.

    — David Elliott Lewis, Ph.D.
  10. 10. May 24, 2009 3:24 am Link

    I hired a trainer a while back and he was big on this kind of gadget…so after a few months of incessant nagging I finally went to the store to buy it. The store clerk spent half an hour explaining all the features to me. Because he lost me at the first “and this screen counts your calories” I then asked him if he was a runner himself. As it turns out he is one of the top runners in the area and he confessed that he does not use these gadgets. why? he does it the old fashioned way, with a note pad, a watch. So I save my money for good shoes.

    — jp
  11. 11. May 24, 2009 10:40 am Link

    I agree with Marie. Your senses are there for a reason, not to be drowned out. I recently ran the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon and wasn’t able to get to speak to any of my fellow competitors due to the fact that they were all laden down with head phones!

    Don’t get me wrong though, living in a rural area on Vancouver Island would make the Garmin a wonderful purchase. I ldo like some of the gadgets that are out there, just keep them out of my ears.

    — Robin
  12. 12. May 24, 2009 2:18 pm Link

    I just lost my job. I can’t afford gadgets and toys. But I have a good pair of running shoes. What more do I need? Solid advice. Not commericals for eletronic stuff that doesn’t move my feet.

    — Trevor
  13. 13. May 25, 2009 2:35 am Link

    Hey brennan –

    I know a female runner who was attacked from behind (in broad daylight). She escaped unharmed but by her own admission she would have heard her attacker’s approaching footsteps if she hadn’t been wearing headphones. Even at low volumes ear buds/headphones separate the wearer from his/her surroundings. The influence may seem insignificant but sometimes a split second is all that’s required to avoid trouble. I routinely run on busy city streets. I couldn’t imagine doing that with something in my ear. I want every personal safety advantage I can get when I step out the door. It’s an individual choice. Apparently you’re fine with it but don’t brush-off someone who recognizes the risk(s). They are real, particularly in an urban environment

    — anon
  14. 14. May 25, 2009 2:55 pm Link

    Are you going to review training and recovery gear like Muscle Electrostimulation (EMS) equipment? See for instance this entry from a 2007 NYC marathon runner (bottom of web page):
    From my own personal experience…I just ran the NYC marathon … when I got back to my hotel, I did active recovery on my hamstrings, calves, and quads. By the time I left the hotel at 7pm that night, my legs were feeling great. … This is my first marathon using … EMS AR (active recovery) during training and after the event. And I can say this, I’m already back to running normally within the week after. All my other marathons I would have been out of running for at least 2 weeks! (message #1526 in the Yahoo! EMS Endurance forum).

    — Giovanni Ciriani
  15. 15. May 26, 2009 1:02 pm Link

    Good grief people, if you are not interested in gadget reviews then skip this article and move onto the next one! I for one love my gadgets and love reading more about the latest and greatest. Thanks TPP.

    — idnar
  16. 16. May 26, 2009 5:15 pm Link

    I am an avid Nike+ user. It has its flaws but it really helped me get off my butt about a year ago and start running (40 lbs and 400 miles ago). I am now training for the NYC Tri and the NY Marathon. While it is not the most advanced tool, the combination of the Nike+ hardware, and itunes create a powerful mechanism for engagement that really motivates.


    FROM TPP — That’s good to hear. I’m considering it and appreciate the feedback.

    — Kieran
  17. 17. May 28, 2009 10:32 am Link

    I ran my first marathon last fall (Richmond in mid November). I’ve had the Nike+ in the past and was very disappointed with the device. When used on a regular basis (4-5X per week) the battery in the sensor only lasts about 6 months. Apple replaced the system once but the when the second battery died I switched to the Garmin 301. The Garmin is great, the 301 its the cheapest ($130) and most basic unit but it provides pace, distance, time, etc. You can also set up a virtual partner and pace alerts. The unit comes with software so you can download your runs to your computer. I’ve had the unit almost a year and I love it. I’m currently saving up to buy one of the newer versions for fall marathon training. The Garmin also helped me break the habit of running with music. Run with a friend not headphones, its much safer.

    — frances

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