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Medika Mamba: We Produce It in Haiti


MFK chooses not to import RUTF but to make it in Haiti under the brand name “Medika Mamba. “ But operating a factory in Haiti is very difficult: Electricity is erratic, roads are deeply rutted, and communication is unreliable. Doing business in a developing country means confronting daily challenges.

So why did we locate our production facilities in Haiti? Because it is the right — and smart — thing to do. Here are some of the ways in which we are helping to develop Haiti:

  • We employ Haitians, thus providing badly needed jobs.
  • We educate the farmers, helping them to improve their yield.
  • We buy Haitian ingredients and stimulate the economy.
  • We train Haiti’s healthcare providers and support their outreach efforts.

This is the way forward—for Haiti’s children and for Haiti.


Partnering with Healthcare Providers

MFK focuses on manufacturing Medika Mamba in Haiti. We no longer distribute this product ourselves, but instead we educate and mentor Haiti’s healthcare providers. In this way, we can offer the hope of recovery to as many malnourished children as possible.

In 2008, MFK worked with more than 20 health clinics in Haiti, providing them with more than 100,000 pounds of life-saving Medika Mamba. We estimate that, in turn, MFK’s healthcare partners gave this Medika Mamba to more than 4,000 malnourished Haitian children.

  • 20 clinics.
  • 100,000 pounds of Medika Mamba.
  • 4,000 children. 

4000 x (to the X power) better futures. 


A Report on Medika Mamba by the UN


Find out how we develop Haitian agriculture.