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Improved Friend Lists

Improved Friend Lists

    • by Wayne Kao on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 9:32am

      One of my favorite Facebook moments is browsing photos from friends in the News Feed after they've begun a new relationship, gotten engaged or gotten married. It gives me a fun and meaningful glimpse of the friendship between two people I know.


      I realized that a similarly magical experience was possible if all of the photos and posts between two friends were brought together. You'd remember that first Wall post with your best friend or the funny photo from a night out. You may even see that moment when your favorite couple met at a ... party you all attended.


      A few months ago, I began a small project to build a page devoted to friendships. A few interns and I started a prototype during an all-night hackathon, and then one of our designers jumped in. For all of us, it's been a labor of love.


      Today I'm excited to be launching Friendship Pages. They contain the public Wall posts and comments between two friends, photos in which both are tagged, Events they RSVP'd for together and more. You'll be able to see a friendship page if you are friends with one of the people and have permission to view both people's profiles.



      When it's between two people who share a lot, the page really starts to reflect their friendship. You can find a friendship page from links under relevant Wall posts, under relationship stories and under the main photo on a friend's profile page.


      For those of us who have worked on it, the best part is the human side of these pages. They can bring back memories, conversations and times spent together. Browsing just a few friendship pages, I was reminded of a long Saturday when a friend and I made a pie together, a memorable trip to Disneyland where I got dizzy riding a teacup, and the elaborate birthday party my friend threw for his dog--streamers, candles and all.


      It's remarkable to see how information can be transformed into something new and meaningful. I hope you enjoy using this with your friends.



      Wayne, a Facebook software engineer, is re-reading the friendship page between himself and his friend Irene, who he's known since childhood.

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    • by Wayne Kao on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 1:06pm

      Discovering and making connections to friends, applications and other voices is an important part of your experience on Facebook. That's why today we are rolling out an improvement to Search to help you quickly find and connect with the people, Pages, groups, events and applications you care about.

      Now as you're typing in a query in the search bar, you will instantaneously see results not only of the people, events, groups and Pages you're connected with but also the connections of your friends and globally relevant results. You'll see a wider... variety of relevant results and be able to discover new connections you might want to make on Facebook right as you're entering your search.

      For example, if you start typing in "MGM" to find the Facebook Page for the band MGMT, you may see it as the first result in the drop-down menu because you or one of your friends is a fan of MGMT on Facebook. You can simply hit enter on that result and you will be taken directly to the MGMT Page.

      If you are searching for something else, like the MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel or the movie studio MGM, you can select one of those instead from the drop-down menu.

      If you don't see what you are looking for in the drop-down menu, you can go to the search results page by selecting "See More Results" from the bottom of the drop-down menu. You'll be taken to the full results, where you can sort by different categories and refine your search further.

      We're rolling these changes out gradually over the next few days, so you may not see the new results just yet.

      Wayne, a Facebook engineer, is searching for friends who play Pet Society.

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