Shell sort

Invented in 1959 by Donald Shell, the shell sort is a relatively fast algorithm and is easy to code. It attempts to roughly sort the data first, moving large elements towards one end and small elements towards the other. It performs several passes over the data, each finer than the last. After the final pass, the data is fully sorted.

It is important to note that the shell sort algorithm does not actually sort the data itself; it increases the effeciency of other sorting algorithms. By roughly grouping the data, it reduces the number of times the data elements need to be rearranged in the sort process. Usually an insertion or bubble sort is used to arrange the data at each step, but other algorithms can be used. Shell sort does not noticably benefit the faster algorithms (such as merge and quicksort), and in some cases will actually reduce their performance.

Sort routines that rely on directly swapping elements are most effectively combined with a shell sort. Shell sort quickly arranges data by sorting every nth element, where n can be any number less than half the number of data. Once the initial sort is performed, n is reduced, and the data is sorted again until n equals 1. It is vital that the data is finally sorted with n = 1, otherwise there may be out-of-order elements remaining.

Selecting good values for n

Choosing n is not as difficult as it might seem. The only sequence you have to avoid is one constructed with the powers of 2. Do not choose (for example) 16 as your first n, and then keep dividing by 2 until you reach 1. It has been mathematically proven that using only numbers from the power series {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...} produces the worst sorting times. The fastest times are (on average) obtained by choosing an initial n somewhere close to the maximum allowed and continually dividing by 2.2 until you reach 1 or less. Remember to always sort the data with n = 1 as the last step.


The data in the table needs to be sorted into ascending order. For simplicity, we have chosen the sequence {3, 2, 1} for our n. Elements in the table that have a white background are being ignored in that step. Elements with a blue background are the ones we are interested in. The top line of each table shows the data before we performed that step, the bottom shows the data afterwards.

In this example, we will assume there is a selection sort being used to do the actual sorting.

    The unsorted data
    841 576 932

  1. As mentioned above, we will be using an initial value of 3 for n. This is less than the maximum (which in this case is 4, because this is the largest number less than half the number of elements we have).

    We pretend that the only elements in the data set are elements containing 5, 8 and 9 (highlighted blue). Notice that this is every 3rd element (n is 3). After sorting these, we look at the elements to the right of the ones we just looked at. Repeat the sort and shift routine until all of the elements have been looked at once. So if n = 3, you will need to repeat this step 3 times to sort every element. Note that only the highlighted elements are ever changed; the ones with a white background are totally ignored.

    Put the 8, 5 and 9 into ascending order (ignoring the other elements)
    841 576 932
    541 876 932

    Do the same for 4, 7 and 3
    541 876 932
    531 846 972

    As well as 1, 6 and 2...
    531 846 972
    531 842 976

  2. Now that all of the elements have been sorted once with n = 3, we repeat the process with the next value of n (2). If you look carefully, there is a general congregation of large numbers at the right hand side, and the smaller numbers are at the left. There are still quite a few misplaced numbers (most notably 8, 2, 5 and 6), but it is better sorted than it was.

    Place the odd elements into ascending order
    531 842 976
    134 852 679

    And the same for the even elements...
    134 852 679
    124 357 689

  3. You can see now that the data is almost completely sorted - after just 2 more steps! All that remains is to sort it again with n = 1 to fix up any elements that are still out of order. When n = 1, we are just performing a normal sort, making sure every element in the dataset is in its correct place.

    You may wonder why don't we just skip to this step. Yes, doing that would work, however the selection and bubble sorts are fastest when the data is already sorted (or close to). The shell sort method orders the data in fewer steps than would be required for either of the above methods.

    The few elements which are still out of order are fixed.
    124 357 689
    123 456 789

  4. All sorted!
    123 456 789