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New in Syndication for Fall 2010


With the upcoming NATPE conference in Las Vegas just one month away, we have an updated list of the new projects being pitched for first-run, and the new off-network offerings.


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Do you eat, breathe and sleep TV, but don't want to start your own blog?
Share your thoughts and opinions with thousands of TV lovers everywhere at Marc Berman's, a forum about all things television. The Programming Insider posts the previous nights broadcast ratings results and weighs in on any number of TV issues, from the latest hits to the best of the classics.
Click Here to Chat

Click here to hear Marc Berman's morning review of last night's TV highlights and lowlights. Berman, aka The Programming Insider, offers tasty tidbits from his daily enewsletter, dishes on TV news (occasionally with a guest editor from Mediaweek) and previews upcoming shows to watch or avoid.


Mr. TV: The Good, The Bad

It’s more fun, of course, to pick apart the bad stuff on TV.


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