Debate Answer on Illegal Immigration

Debate Closing Remarks

The 13th District Race

As a parent, I want my children to grow up in a world better than the one I grew up in.  When I was a child we played all day in our neighborhoods with little or no parental supervision.  Today, we as parents, have to keep a constant watch over our children. 

Our population has grown, our borders have weakened, and our judicial system gives more rights to the offender than to the victim.  Our government has lost accountability for the protection and service to the citizens of this country.  There are no checks and balances.  The people are the last line of defense when the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches have all failed this country. 

Government is not the answer.  History has proven that with the Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare, and Public Education.  All of these programs have failed.  Elected officials have failed to meet their promises and obligations because they have shielded themselves from the very laws that you and I are subject to under this government.  The corruption is endless. It is time to put true private sector conservatives into office.
