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Written by

Russell Davies


27/May at 19:01

Source(s), CFC Consulting


Alyosha, Ukraine, 2010 - © NTU

Sweet people

Ukraine: Social activities for Alyosha in Oslo

During her preparations for the semi final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, Ukrainian entry Alyosha carried out a range of social activities within her special program EcoVision 2010.

In between numerous rehearsals, interviews and of course Eurovision parties in Olso Ayosha has also being busy presenting her environmental programme. The Green Game match held outside in Nansenparken, Baerum, brought additional fun to her contest preparations and united the delegations in an event dedicated to her green cause.

Alyosha give specially designed football balls to all international guests and media in the Press Center.  I am absolutely delighted that people enjoy what I brought to Oslo, be it my song, my mission or any of my activities. Thank you very much for the passion you show in support of my eco-activities, said Alyosha. She also managed to give away hundreds of balls in the downtown of Olso near the Eurovillage.

Some of the Ukrainian delegation have been seen with huge walking masks of the world leaders around Oslo as part of Alyosha's program. They represent the Sweet people with the eponymous logo embroidered on the backs of their business suits and they are those who are capable of action. Today Sweet people attended Climate and Forest Conference that took place in Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica in Oslo. The event aimed to establish international partnership arrangements in order to reduce emissions from forest degradation and deforestation in the developing countries. By appearing at the conference Sweet people showed their concern and support of the cause. We are here to have fun, to enjoy and share the moment. But at the same time I honestly believe that combining grand international music event with an important cause that worries everybody today, is a good thing to do, said Alyosha.

Alyosha will perform Sweet people in the second semi final of the Eurovision Song Contest.


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Alba Marina [62275]
Fri 28 May 2010 13:08:48

How can you say that her song is "soooooooooo bad" if she at least qualified????
You all liked Sweden so much but she didn't even qualify... So may you are being a little subjective.

In A Moment Like This [63280]
Fri 28 May 2010 12:12:20

Her song is sooo bad.

Vote Denmark the run away winners!!

Artemio Onasis [62483]
Fri 28 May 2010 01:47:45

Great from Alyosha and Ukraine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

Vero Montenegro [63020]
Thu 27 May 2010 19:26:33


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