
Rights and Reproductions

The American Antiquarian Society offers reproduction services as an aid to scholarly research in accordance with its mission to provide access to materials while preserving them for the use of future generations. Copies of library and archival materials are provided to scholars and researchers for use in specific projects, not for general library acquisitions.

All requests for photocopies and photographic services (digital scans, photographs & transparency rentals) must be submitted in writing and are subject to the approval of the Society, which reserves the right to refuse to copy an item that may be harmed by the reproduction process. The Society limits copying requests to those permitted under the copyright law. Public Law 94-553, section 107 (fair use) and 108 (reproduction by libraries and archives). It is the responsibility of the researcher to know and to comply with all copyright provisions.

The American Antiquarian Society's participation in interlibrary loan is limited.

Licensing Images from AAS

All uses (both nonprofit/scholarly and commercial) of images from the collections of the American Antiquarian Society must be licensed by the Society in consequence of its proprietary rights. Applicable fees and/or royalties are charged. All licenses granted are non-exclusive, for one-time use, and for a single edition, production, or medium.

The Society's standard policy is to license all uses of images from its collections in books, articles, other printed material, exhibitions, films, and all electronic media, and to charge applicable fees for such uses. To apply for permission to use images from the Society, fill out the Reproduction and Usage Request Form. Please indicate each format/medium/edition in which you plan to use the image by filling out section 4 of the form. The AAS licensing agreement may be downloaded and printed, or sent to you by the Society. An invoice will be sent for any photographic services requests and for all applicable license fees. The license should be signed and returned to AAS with payment of the invoice. The Reproduction and Usage Request Form may be used for photographic services requests, for applications to license the reuse of images, and for license applications in cases where the source photographs are already in hand.

Contact Information

American Antiquarian Society
Attn: Graphic Arts Department
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609

Telephone: (508) 755-5221 x164
Fax: (508) 753-3311
Email: reproductions[at]



Photographic Services:
Digital Scans, Photographs & Transparency Rentals

Reading Room Photography


Interlibrary loan

Film-making and Videotaping

Requesting Permission to Quote from Manuscripts

Pay your bill online after the Rights and Reproductions Department has cleared your total