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Source: Microsoft Bing Taking Over iPhone Search
by Michael Arrington on May 28, 2010

[See Update below] Microsoft Bing will replace Google in the next version of the iPhone operating system to be released in June, we’ve heard from mulitple sources, including a high level source who claims to have been briefed on the matter. We’re not calling this more than a rumor yet, but one thing is sure – our sources close to Google in particular are speaking freely about this as fact. In January Business Week reported that Microsoft and Apple were in talks over an iPhone search deal, and the deal certainly would be brilliant for Microsoft.

There’s been speculation around Google’s future on the iPhone since last year when the first public spat broke out between the companies over the Google Voice app for the iPhone. Android’s continued gains in market share only highlight Google’s direct competition with Apple, and the fact that so many core iPhone apps, including search and maps, are controlled by Google, has been a sore point with Apple. From that post:

Multiple sources at Google tell us that in informal discussions with Apple over the last few months Apple expressed dismay at the number of core iPhone apps that are powered by Google. Search, maps, YouTube, and other key popular apps are powered by Google. Other than the browser, Apple has little else to call its own other than the core phone, contacts and calendar features.

But Google was rumored to be paying Apple $100 million a year for the search rights to iPhone, along with the ability to serve search ads. Apple would likely have stuck with them unless Microsoft was willing to pay as well, and it certainly wasn’t a lock that Google Search would be removed from the iPhone.

There were rumors yesterday that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer would attend the WWDC event on June 7 to announce Visual Studio development for the iPhone, although they were quickly retracted. Our sources on this are independent of that story.

Update: Interesting – new sources are saying “It’s more complicated than this” and not to expect Google search to be removed from the iPhone next month. Also hearing that Google isn’t paying anything like $100 million/year to Apple for the search rights to the iPhone.


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  • Back to you Vic! Vic did trash Apple at google IO, but the green light must of have come from the top. I wonder if this is the result of all those trash talking or it's been in the works for a while.

  • If this is true, then it will be the last straw for me. Adios iPhone

  • Is this referring to removing Google as DEFAULT search (like how Google is now, but you can switch to Yahoo) or removing Google COMPLETELY from search? It would be insane to remove them completely, so hopefully we are left with Bing (default), Yahoo, and Google?

  • How things have changed. Crazy.

  • It's about time for a Google – HTC merging…!

  • They can try as hard as they want – I still won't use Bing

    • That's it. People use and want Google search for a reason. As long as you can set your default search engine people will switch to what they want, and Google won't be paying anything. . . now if you won't be able to change your default search engine then things will get interesting.

      • I think majority of people use default search engine and they do not switch to any other search engines.
        That's why Google gave pretty a lot of money fo Mozilla Foundation to install Google as a default search engine for a Firefox and Russian Yandex gave money to Mozzilla to install Yandex as a default search engine for Russian version of Firefox

  • This gives Bing some nice street credibility.

  • I don't think that this will happen as it is, it may be that Apple licenses the search engine from Yahoo/Microsoft and place it as the default with an option to change it for your favorite one, Yahoo or Google. I would like to see Apple dropping any major Google-powered app to see how Vic Gundotra's face and it will happen sooner or later, Apple has an arsennal of good applications ready to be deployed, Siri, Placebase and Lala and a few location based patents. Somebody at Google thought Apple was sleeping, this is not the Apple of yesteryears, Apple is out looking for blood and it will take whatever route to hurt its rivals, Engadget's news about the $99 AppleTV is a clear demonstration that Google is far from knowing Apple's strategy.

  • So, is Apple going to make Bing the default and then give users a choice of changing search providers or is it going to make me defect to Android?

  • Apple finally realizes that Google is its rival. Simple as that.

    • Like Microsoft… Apple has its own agenda and Google is not part of it, so whatever Google does it won't disturb Apple at all, Microsoft was even bigger than Google and Apple knocked it down, so it is about time, Google's Android can take 99% of the mobile market, Apple will find its way with innovation.. or do you think Smith is smarter than Jobs? I don't think so, Apple is just deploying its strategy, Google is shouting and screaming to create buzz, because all its earning comes from search, others projects are just a new way to burn some millions, like Microsoft.

  • thats it. I moving to Android. No ibing/iphone in my pocket.

    • Wow the Level of fanbois here is amazing. I've use Bing and it definitely has many improvement above Google and gives great search results. I can say it's better than google in many ways. Before anyone shouts and claim i am a MS fanboy, note that i use chrome as my default browser, Bing as my search engine and Yahoo as my email, so don't even try.

      • Bing improvement is the background image behind your search box? People still uses spamzilla Yahoo email??? hmm…

      • Bing does not get better results when doing research.

        Yahoo Mail is full of problems such as putting more than 1/5 of all IP's on the internet on a SPAM blacklist due to their lame scripting (when users click that a mail is spam the IP for the email is sent to a list where if that IP was collected a certain number of times then it is blacklisted). For those with startups you will notice that your Yahoo Mail users often see your registration verification emails in the SPAM folder and users are less likely to complete the registration.
        The other common issue with Yahoo Mail is they are down several times a week!


  • If Safari search engine is not powered by Google I will stop using Safari and use Opera.

  • This whole Apple-Microsoft-Google competition is a great lesson in Game Theory. Who would've thought even a year ago that roles and relationships would've shifted so drastically?

  • If it is true, just wow…

  • That's nice… Can I reset it to Google plz…

  • The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that perhaps that is the reason Microsoft dropped the courier… Makes one wonder about the relationship between the two companies.

    As far as the VS for iPhone rumor goes, how is that allowed considering Apple's limitations on compiled platforms? Unless they are developing a VS for Mac which would compete with Xcode, what is going to be the development language and what libraries will it link to?

  • Oh hey, cool, they're making the iPhone even shittier. So glad I ditched mine.

  • Bad move Apple.

  • Blah, as long as I can change my default search engine to Google I will be ok with this. There is *NO* way in hell I am going to use Bing.

  • Would be nice to know the details, would Bing replace Google on everybody's iPhone or just come as the default with new ones. Not a lot of people are gonna like that Apple changes their search engine the next time they sync their iPhones.

  • If Apple wants, they could switch to Microsoft completely by also using their maps database…! Without necessarily MS' branding

  • I rarely use Safari's built in search as I opt for Google's voice search app. It understands my spoken searches 95% of the time and it's very handy while driving and you want to listen to a song on youtube or find directions.

    I did try the bing app, but it seemed bloated and the voice search results did not compare to Google's app.

  • how about "visual" studio…

  • Bleh. I can't stand Bing. I hope they make that optional.

  • "..June 7 to announce Video Studio development for the iPhone.."

    ..Visual Studio..

  • by by iPhone.
    I don´t want bing.

  • If true, this tells me one thing. Apple is so very, very scared of Android. You don't just switch from the world's default (best) search engine to your foe's second rate offering for a mere few more million $ of grease money. The GTrain is approaching fast, so they're switching tracks.

    On the flip side, Google is obviously very confident with Android as well to let this deal die with Apple. And maybe with all the apps that everyone has uses, pure search through the mobile browser is not as popular and profitable as it used to be. At least not worth $100m anyway.

  • "Search, maps, YouTube, and other key popular apps are powered by Google. Other than the browser, Apple has little else to call its own other than the core phone, contacts and calendar features."

    What are the "other key popular apps powered by Google" ? Because I couldn't fine any…

    • Really? You're going to be smug? What happens if Youtube gets disabled on all iDevices? No HTML 5, no work arounds, just like hulu. How many people would be pissed off? The Answer? A TON. Consumers would be furious with both Apple and Google, and rightly so. As of right now Apple still needs a little bit of Google's support and vice versa. Let go of your iAttitude and smell the competition.

  • What if Apple just buys the search results and places its own iAds in them.

  • Well,
    first off, if this is true I hope Apple put its touch on the product. Also I would believe they don't lock you in on search (they didn't before). Right now you have the choice between Google and Yahoo (which is or will be MS anyways).
    Secondly and that is if the AppleTV rumor is true. Bing will also come to that box. Search on Google TV was one of the better features demonstrated at Google I/O.

    This whole thing becomes now very interesting and lots of questions can be asked …

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