CQ Weekly

Taking you deep inside the policy-making process, CQ Weekly provides non-partisan news and analysis on how legislation is shaped, who is shaping it and how it could affect your interests.

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More About CQ Weekly

Our award-winning publication, CQ Weekly was founded in 1945 to provide comprehensive and unbiased reporting on Congress.

Over the years, CQ Weekly has evolved to fit changing times and meet the new desires and demands of our readers, while always staying true to its original mission.

Available in print or online, it’s no wonder that nearly 80% of CQ Weekly subscribers say the publication is their single-most important source for objective information regarding legislation and public policy issues facing Congress.

Every issue of CQ Weekly—in print or online—features:

  • Vantage Point. Quick-read analyses of emerging trends in government, commerce and politics.
  • In Focus. In-depth coverage of public policy developments across the governmental spectrum, from Congress to the White House to the Supreme Court.
  • Cover Story. A weekly cover story on major issues unfolding on Capitol Hill, K Street, or at the White House, with a special focus on their impact on the legislative process.
  • Columns. A fresh perspective on national issues with an insider’s insight on public-policy implications.
  • Weekly Report. The week’s legislative news, including “Box Scores” and detailed information on bills, amendments and votes.
  • For the Record. Includes a comprehensive review of all roll call votes in the Senate and the House during the previous week. It also features charts of major bills and appropriations expected to move in the coming weeks.

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