| Eurovision Song Contest News - 2010 Oslo, Norway 

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This is my opinion

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Sex: Male

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This is my opinion

Hi to good people

I love ESC, I've been watching for 26 years, to me its the greates game.

I used Eurovision Song Contest scoreboard game via escnation website on 22nd April 2010 and I got the following result, which is in accordance with my personal taste and also how I predict this years scoreboard could be, "We Could Be The Same" in May ;)

1. Turkey (290)
2. Greece (188)
3. Ireland (165)
4. Spain (140)
5. Croatia (120)
6. Israel (117)
7. Armenia (113)
8. Sweden (106)
9. Latvia (100)
10. Germany (96)
11. Estonia (94)
12. Norway (91)
13. Azerbaijan (79)
14. Ukraine (74)
15. Russia (67)
16. Moldova (67)
17. Belgium (65)
18. Finland (61)
19. Bosnia Herzegovina (54)
20. Serbia (54)
21. Netherlands (53)
22. Portugal (37)
23. Denmark (19)
24. United Kingdom (10)
25. France (2)

What a fine position

39. Azerbaijan, I am sorry to say but I don't like this entry at all, (Worst song this year, disjointed, but the artificial, preservartive, flavouring all the work/effort from foreign professionals can help it reach final at least but what a waste of work on this terrible drip drop, lipstick)

Tears of heart broken called drip drop the cheap pop chorus with lipstick attached to something called ballad song lol

My favorite countries

The following countries are my favorite Eurovision Song Contest participating nations;


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