First look: Fedora 13 from Red Hat

The latest version of Red Hat's desktop Linux project delivers a new thin install framework, a cleaner UI, and enhanced device support

Making the switch to Visual Studio 2010

As Visual Studio 2010 and .Net Framework 4 edge toward production release, Microsoft shops should be assessing when best to make the switch

SOA grows up -- and out

No longer just about integration, SOA is spreading throughout the enterprise for business process alignment

Why SOA still matters

A regional bank in New Orleans takes a hard look at itself and adopts SOA as part of a major transformation

New IBM server architecture boosts app performance, cuts energy costs

IBM's EX5 servers take a step away from traditional x86 server architecture and separates server processors from memory

Robert X. Cringely / Danger, danger! Tech overload ahead
Neil McAllister / How to get rejected from the App Store
Roger A. Grimes / Fixing the Internet would be easy -- if we tried
Gruman et al. / Making sense of Microsoft's mobile OS four-way
Eric Knorr / Can desktop virtualization save desktop Linux?

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