Johann Hari

Johann Hari

Johann Hari has reported from Iraq, Israel/Palestine, the Congo, the Central African Republic, Venezuela, Peru and the US, and his journalism has appeared in publications all over the world. The youngest person to be nominated for the Orwell Prize for political writing, in 2003 he won the Press Gazette Young Journalist of the Year Award and in 2007 Amnesty International named him Newspaper Journalist of the Year. He is a contributing editor of Attitude magazine and published his first book, God Save the Queen?, in 2003.

Johann Hari: When hands across the sea are tied

The argument that outsiders should not be allowed to criticise countries is being used more and more to thwart human rights campaigns

Recently by Johann Hari

Johann Hari: And so, Cameron's first victims are...

Friday, 28 May 2010

Step forward the unemployed, poor kids, children in care, the elderly, the disabled, and any feeble little steps we were making towards a low-carbon economy

A boat negotiates its way through the Gulf of Mexico oil slick caused by BP, which has escaped censure for its actions through 'reputation insurance'

The real Climategate

Friday, 21 May 2010

Johann Hari: Global warming - and the worst environmental disasters - will only be tackled when green lobbyists in the US stop taking cash from Big Oil and Big Coal

Islamists, their victims, and hypocrisy

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Johann Hari: On the day we allowed two al-Qa'ida members to remain, two others waited for the police to hand them over to men who will kill them.

This is not what the people voted for

Friday, 14 May 2010

Johann Hari: : In any other European country, where they have democratic voting systems, the result of this election wouldn't even have been close

Johann Hari: Deniers - apologise for Climategate

Thursday, 6 May 2010

At last! The controversy is over. Forget the general election for a moment; this is even more important. It turns out the "scientific" claims promoted for decades by whiny self-righteous liberals were a lie, a fraud, a con - and we don't need to change after all. The left is humiliated; the conservatives are triumphant and exultant.

Johann Hari: What we'll lose if we reject Labour

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Betrayal is one story about this Labour government, and it's a true one. But if we carried only that tale to the polls today, we would be guilty of a betrayal of our own

Castle Youth Club in Hammersmith was built in Dickens' time and bequeathed to the local council. The Conservatives shut it down two years ago to sell it off

Johann Hari: Welcome to Cameron land

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

David Cameron cites Hammersmith and Fulham council as a 'model' of compassionate conservatism. So what can the actions of Tory councillors here tell us about how the party would behave in government?

Johann Hari: Cameron is concealing his inner Bush

Friday, 30 April 2010

If he can’t keep the single best policy for reducing inequality – one that costs less than nothing – what shreds of progress can possibly survive his rule?

Johann Hari: The forces blocking British democracy

Friday, 23 April 2010

Cameron sees the polling and the focus groups, and he knows the public loathe his real agenda. That's why his performances in this campaign are so stilted

Fantasy in the clouds: The Last Judgement by Conrad Meyer (1618-89)

Heaven: A fool's paradise

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Johann Hari: Heaven isn't a wonderful place filled with light – it is a pernicious construct with a bloody history.

More johann hari:

Columnist Comments


Steve Richards: Opposition leader – a hell of a job

The Labour leadership contest is attracting limited media attention and for good reason


Adrian Hamilton: Europe isn't just a matter of foreign policy

On the "Who Would Have Thunk It?" scale, the new Foreign Secretary's tour of European capitals must be pretty high


Mary Dejevsky: It's time to grab back our gardens

They are an integral part of the suburban landscape; they are what makes it desirable and family-friendly

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