Over all Medal Standings - Beijing 1990
Rank Country G S B T RT
1 CHN China
183 107 51 341 1
2 KOR Korea
54 54 73 181 2
3 JPN Japan
38 60 76 174 3
4 PRK DPR Korea
12 31 39 82 4
16 TPE Chinese Taipei
0 10 21 31 5
8 INA Indonesia
3 6 21 30 6
12 IND India
1 8 14 23 7
6 PHI Philippines
4 5 9 18 8
5 IRI Iran
4 6 8 18 8
10 THA Thailand
2 7 8 17 10
13 MGL Mongolia
1 7 9 17 10
7 PAK Pakistan
4 1 7 12 12
11 MAS Malaysia
2 2 4 8 13
17 HKG Hong Kong
0 2 5 7 14
9 QAT Qatar
3 2 1 6 15
19 SIN Singapore
0 1 4 5 16
14 SYR Syria
1 0 2 3 17
18 SRI Sri Lanka
0 2 1 3 17
21 MYA Myanmar
0 0 2 2 19
22 LAO Laos
0 0 1 1 20
22 NEP Nepal
0 0 1 1 20
20 BAN Bangladesh
0 1 0 1 20
22 MAC Macau
0 0 1 1 20
22 KSA Saudi Arabia
0 0 1 1 20
15 OMA Oman
1 0 0 1 20

Total: 313 312 359 984
G - Gold      S - Silver      B - Bronze     T - Total      RT - Rank by Total
Rank by Total is calculated by total number of Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals.
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Thumbnail image for ~\OCA\images\Default\5\15\24\51524002547.jpg
Emblem, Beijing 1990

Thumbnail image for ~\OCA\images\Default\5\15\26\51526002550.jpg
Mascot, Beijing 1990


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