Afghan Wedding Party Hit By Suicide Attack, 40 Killed

MIRWAIS KHAN and ROBERT H. REID | 06/10/10 05:02 PM | AP

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Afghan Wedding

NADAHAN VILLAGE, Afghanistan — Body parts in trees. Mud walls flattened. Corpses riddled with ball bearings.

NATO and the Afghan government on Thursday blamed a Taliban suicide bomber for the grisly scene at a wedding party where at least 40 people were killed by an intense explosion. But the Taliban claimed they played no role in the blast in the Arghandab district, an insurgent stronghold near the southern city of Kandahar.

Stunned survivors said they suspected a NATO airstrike was responsible, a view that reflects either their deep suspicion of the U.S.-led coalition or fear of Taliban retribution.

Regardless of responsibility, Wednesday night's attack is likely to heighten public concern about a planned NATO military operation in the Kandahar area, the birthplace of the Taliban considered by U.S. commanders as the key to turning back the insurgents.

The top U.S. and NATO commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, acknowledged Thursday that the Kandahar operation will take longer than planned because local Afghans do not yet support it.

Interior Ministry spokesman Zemeri Bashary said the attack occurred when a suicide bomber entered a rural home where men were celebrating a wedding. The groom was among the 74 wounded. Women guests were in a separate house with the bride.

"This is a crime of massive inhuman proportions against civilians," President Hamid Karzai told a news conference in Kabul.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi denied the insurgents carried out the attack, which occurred in a district where the Taliban remain entrenched despite years of NATO military operations.

Nevertheless, suspicion fell on the insurgents because the family included a number of Afghan policemen, who are often targeted by the Taliban. The groom's brother and two of his cousins were in the police force, according to another cousin, Mohammad Alkozay.

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Kandahar provincial Gov. Tooryalai Wesa said doctors at the city hospital had recovered ball bearings from the bodies of the dead. Militants often pack ball bearings and other metal into suicide vests to kill more victims.

"The Taliban are doing two things at once," Wesa told reporters. "On one side they target people who are in favor of the government. Then at the same time, they don't want people to know their real face."

In this sun-baked farming village of mud-walled compounds, survivors said they were skeptical that the blast was caused by a suicide bomber because the damage was so extensive. The wall around the compound where the attack occurred was mostly flattened. Blood, human limbs and other body parts – some in the trees – were scattered across the area.

"If it were a suicide attack, there would be some hole in the ground," said Abdul Raziq, a member of the village defense militia.

Mohammad Rassool, a cousin of the groom, said he saw helicopters, including one with guns in the front, flying above the compound before the explosion.

"I was coming toward the wedding and on the way I saw something from a helicopter move toward the village," Rassool said. "After we saw the smoke and fire come up, we knew that a rocket had hit. Why would the Taliban do this when we are not against each other?"

U.S. military spokesman Col. Wayne Shanks denied any coalition airstrike in the area at the time of the attack. Civilian deaths are a sensitive issue in Afghanistan, and the NATO command has acknowledged and apologized for attacks that kill civilians.

Nevertheless, public support for the U.S.-led mission is weakest in the dusty farming communities of southern Afghanistan, where the ethnic Pashtun population provides the Taliban with most of its fighters. It was unclear whether villagers were genuine in their suspicions about NATO or fearful of Taliban reprisals.

"This is a sign of the NATO force's intentions," Naeem Agha, a resident of Kandahar, said of the bombing. "This is what they have in mind. They can hit a marriage ceremony just to kill a single person. That shows their intentions and honesty toward us. If a big government official had been killed, it would be possible to blame the Taliban."

Such public skepticism has complicated NATO's plans to secure Kandahar city, the main urban center of the south with about a half million people. Many Kandaharis fear that the operation will bring more bloodshed without improving security.

In Brussels, McChrystal said the Kandahar operation "will happen more slowly than we had originally anticipated," although he insisted he would still demonstrate a turnaround in the war by year's end. McChrystal said he has underestimated the amount of time needed to get local support, but the overall plan for Kandahar remains the same.

"It's a deliberate process," McChrystal said. "It takes time to convince people."

Britain's new prime minister, making his first visit to Afghanistan since being elected last month, acknowledged the need for progress during a press conference with Karzai in Kabul.

"This is the year when we have to make progress – progress for the sake of the Afghan people, but progress also on behalf of people back at home who want this to work," Prime Minister David Cameron said. He affirmed support for the NATO mission but ruled out sending more troops to Britain's 9,500-strong force.

The Wednesday blast happened during a spike in bloodshed. At least 20 U.S. service members have been killed in Afghanistan this month – including an American who died Thursday by a roadside bombing. The victim's name was not released.

Afghan authorities in Helmand province said the Taliban hanged a 7-year-old boy in public Tuesday for allegedly spying for NATO forces. The Taliban have denied the report, and journalists are unable to visit the village where the hanging occurred because of security.

On Wednesday, insurgents dragged a member of the Kandahar provincial council, Amir Mohammad Noorzai, from his house and killed him, local government spokesman Zalmai Ayoubi said.


Reid reported from Kabul. Associated Press writers Anne Gearan in Brussels and Amir Shah, Heidi Vogt, Deb Riechmann and Rohan Sullivan in Kabul also contributed to this report.

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NADAHAN VILLAGE, Afghanistan — Body parts in trees. Mud walls flattened. Corpses riddled with ball bearings. NATO and the Afghan government on Thursday blamed a Taliban suicide bomber for the g...
NADAHAN VILLAGE, Afghanistan — Body parts in trees. Mud walls flattened. Corpses riddled with ball bearings. NATO and the Afghan government on Thursday blamed a Taliban suicide bomber for the g...
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Heso   2 hours ago (2:28 AM)
"The top U.S. and NATO commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, acknowledged Thursday that the Kandahar operation will take longer than planned because local Afghans do not yet support it."

"Mohammad Rassool, a cousin of the groom, said he saw helicopters, including one with guns in the front, flying above the compound before the explosion.

"I was coming toward the wedding and on the way I saw something from a helicopter move toward the village," Rassool said. "After we saw the smoke and fire come up, we knew that a rocket had hit. Why would the Taliban do this when we are not against each other?""

Is it me or those are related ?


Heso   2 hours ago (2:20 AM)
Well, that's somehow illogical.. if i were a Taliban leader, why would i possibly think sending a suicide bomber to a wedding will help kicking the foreign forces out ?, and shouldn't Taliban be trying to get public support instead of rejection.. besides... come on... why would they blow up a wedding... and how did they convince the suicide bomber that it is for the greater good..

I don't know what to think of this and the allegedly killed 7 years old "spy", were those really committed by Taliban ?, or was a 7 years old boy got actually killed, or was the wedding a false flag op...

I actually don't know a thing about Taliban's ideology, but this action for their position, doesn't make sense.
BrassOnes   9 hours ago (8:11 PM)
Why are there 10000 posts by outraged Arabs? Oh, because US or Israel have nothing to do with it so it doesn't matter.


americancolonyinhell   12 hours ago (4:45 PM)
I, for one, am glad the US is confronting Islamic terror. Islamic terrorists are the biggest threat to world peace and must be stopped at all costs. What is the ultimate goal of these savages, anyway? Do they really think the world is going to stop turning, that the march of history and progress won't continue unabated if they sow enough death and destruction? Do they really think that Israel will cease to exist? Do they really think that the civilized world will countenance this indefinitely? Their personal armageddon is coming. Do you see what we've done to AlQaeda in Iraq. The West's ever-increasing technical sophistication will root them all out one day soon and relegate them to the boneyard.
trucap   14 hours ago (2:59 PM)
The people who invited these others to participate in this wedding are the most responsible for the death . why this kind of bla bla bla wedding is necessary at this time of death and distructions ? are these people crazy ? or they just don't care ? any couples who are intesting to get marraied can go to a reverend and get married quietly without big noise to avoid killing . period . pardon me for spelling !
NoAssociatedPropagand   15 hours ago (1:32 PM)
The US did it.
blueskybigstar   17 hours ago (11:18 AM)
R. Gates & friends were part of Iran Contra and the same people are in charge of A-stan. Since we have been in Astan, they are producing more drugs than ever before in their history. Coincidence?

AIG was brought here from China by Kenneth Starr's uncle who worked with the OSS/CIA. This makes me believe that this bank has been laundering drug money since the times when foreign governments fed China's drug problem. Since they came here, they've been doing it here.;_id=96045

The Taliban was rocking the world drug market by eradicating drugs.

When the average family income is $300 a year in Astan, and we are spending $400 a gallon on gasoline, does it make sense to spend so much money there or is that the point for the people who are really running this country who are making billions?

Couldn't we just buy peace for less?
blueskybigstar   18 hours ago (11:11 AM)
The Taliban deny responsibility.
facepalm12   18 hours ago (11:09 AM)
I didn't know that terrorists were in the business of blowing people up and DENYING it.

And i don't think the Taliban has an airforce...
alysheba 3   18 hours ago (10:24 AM)
How long before we find out this was really a botched US operation?
KIVPossum   18 hours ago (10:47 AM)
See my comment below. We won't.
JerryLevy   18 hours ago (10:22 AM)
People who attack religious institutions. People who attack women and children. People who attack weddings and funerals. People who attack infrastructure and monuments. People who destroy all vestiges of civilization and freedom. That is what we will have should we let the Taliban take over Afghanistan.
alysheba 3   18 hours ago (11:04 AM)
That's what you have by American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, and spreading into Pakistan.
JerryLevy   17 hours ago (12:08 PM)
This post is flagged. Not as abusive, but as a complete and totally libelous fabrication


SukiTheCat   19 hours ago (9:39 AM)
This is utterly tragic...I've been reading that, regarding the hanging of the 7 year old boy, nothing has been confirmed. Regardless, the Taliban are monsters, a plague on Afghan society, and it would be a good day when they are all lined up and given what they deserve.
JerryLevy   18 hours ago (10:23 AM)
Sadly, many of the HP believe they should be left alone and we should leave.
alysheba 3   18 hours ago (11:05 AM)
How about looking for confirmation before believing the US MSM. They have been caught in enough military sponsored lies.


SukiTheCat   16 hours ago (12:33 PM)
....I never said I believed everything in that story...and I still think the Taliban is evil
lainey   19 hours ago (9:34 AM)
Where is the outrage against the Taliban? On the Israeli site, there are thousands of comments. Here, when 40 people die, very few. I think it speaks volumes about where are priorities lie...stop hating Israel and be concerned about people who suffer everywhere; that is true progressive thinking. Blessings of comfort to those who lost their loved ones at a time of celebration.
JerryLevy   18 hours ago (10:25 AM)
No outrage against Sudan for the killing of a half million Christians in Darfur. No outrage at North Korea for the sinking of a ship killing 45 people, No outrage that the Pan Am bomber was released from Jail, No outrage at the treatment of women in the Arab World, No outrage at the "disappearances" of hundreds of young people in Iran simply for pushing for democracy. Gosh, Israel really sucks.
ed61   19 hours ago (9:23 AM)
I was horrified when I first read this story about the Taliban hanging a seven-year-old. I wanted to find out more so searched and searched on the web, but there was precious little information - most news websites seemed to carry the same scant details - obviously just recycling the same story over and over from the original source. How can we be sure this even happened? The child isn't named, the story "emerged" from local sources, but it's not clear who or what these sources are, there are no eye witnesses, despite the fact that a "crowd silently watch on". There's no word from the boy's parents, even though he was supposedly kidnapped, nor anything from local authorities. President Karzai says it would be horrific - IF CONFIRMED. Despite the paucity of evidence, this story is being reported as fact and of course the reaction from the anti Islam brigade is predictably hysterical. It's perfectly plausible that this story could simply be a rumour started for propoganda purposes. Make no mistake - I have absolutely no truck with the Taliban or anyone associated with them, it's just that if I am going to believe such a monstrous story, I want it to be a little bit more convincing than it currently is...
JerryLevy   18 hours ago (10:27 AM)
I agree. The outrageous stories and rumors from far away places are crazy. Remember when France II reported about the Israeli army killing the Palestinian kid and his father as they huddled in a ditch? It turned out their Palestinian "reporter" fabricated the whole story. Remember when the BBC reported the IDF was using poison gas on Palestinian demonstrators in the West Bank? It turned out to be a complete fabrication. I wonder if this is too.
alysheba 3   18 hours ago (11:06 AM)
The outrageous stories with no proof, you mean.

Grow up Jerry. You'll bash Muslims anywhere in an effort to improve Israel's PR.