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Giving the “forgotten women a chance to eat and a day to lie in bed and rest” (posted Mon, 07 Jun 2010)

Though they can’t pass a budget, the New York State Assembly is shortly expected to pass the nation’s first law that would provide basic employment protections and benefits–paid holidays, sick days and vacation days, overtime wages, 14-days notice and termination pay–to domestic workers.  The law stands to significantly improve the rights and quality of life for thousands of domestic workers, including nannies, cooks and maids, most of whom are women.

Domestic workers were left out of. . . [More]

The American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning is dedicated to renewing interest in history by challenging traditional ways that people learn about the past. Founded in 1981 and based at the City University of New York Graduate Center, ASHP/CML produces print, visual, and multimedia materials that explore the richly diverse social and cultural history of the United States. We also lead professional development seminars that help teachers to use the latest scholarship, technology, and active learning methods in their classrooms.

Where do you get your history?

Where do you get your history? Off –Broadway? Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson by its title doesn’t leave much room for interpretation; the point is made more forcefully by the interior... [More]

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