By Joel Pett, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, Cartoonists and Writers Syndicate, for USA TODAY
By Joel Pett, Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader, Cartoonists and Writers Syndicate, for USA TODAY carousel promo

Your opinion

On Religion

Social media is about openness and sharing and putting it all out there. American churches see this shift, and in embracing it, might be hurting some of their followers.

National connections

Dallas Morning News tackles Washington’s ‘debt disconnect’ … Salt Lake Tribune argues that electronic signatures on petitions should count … Virginian-Pilot scolds paranoid citizens who cast off the Census.
Add your comments: Do you think boycotting BP teaches the company a lesson, or hurts gas distributors, small entrepreneurs who own service stations and the people working for them?
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Punchlines: A comic spin on the news

“It took three days to play this tennis match at Wimbledon. Just one more thing that Obama couldn’t figure out how to stop.”
“The iPhone 4 is $499 to buy it outright, $199 if you’re upgrading your existing iPhone, and if you don’t want one at all, it’s 99 bucks.”
“A Florida man was reportedly run over by his own truck after his dog put the car in gear. At first it looked like an accident; now it turns out the dog was behind the wheel texting.”

Tweet corner: On the World Cup

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The Forum

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If Elena Kagan's legal heroes are any indication, the Supreme Court nominee will craft our laws rather than interpret them.
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What a perfect G-20 dichotomy: European states are trying to correct their spendthrift ways as the U.S. swims in fresh red ink.
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An Afghan private security officer guards a street in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2007.
By Rafiq Maqbool, AP
Our reliance on contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan is undermining U.S. interests while disconnecting the public from the real costs of war
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If Commissioner Bud Selig wants to make a potent statement about the values of America's pastime, he'll move the 2011 All-Star Game.
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Abby Sunderland
Neither performers nor workers, the children in these shows fall through the cracks of 20th-century labor protections.
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McChrystal was rightly frustrated by our fruitless nation-building endeavor. This war is a shameful waste of lives and money.
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That ticking generational time bomb that politicians have been warning and arguing about for 30 years is about to explode on Jan. 1.
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Roughnecks’ stand: Rig workers rally Thursday in Houma, La., against the drilling moratorium.
By Chris Graythen, Getty Images
Is a 6-month ban unreasonable? It boils down to the environment vs. the Gulf Coast economy.
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By Tim Sloan, AFP/Getty Images
If she meets her own standard, next week's Supreme Court confirmation hearings might just return to relevance.
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The number of killings committed by angry clientele roughly equals those by disgrunted employees. What's going on here?
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Reagan in 1982: Employed pragmatism
Getty Images
The political dynamics then and now are remarkably similar. The struggling president would be wise to emulate the GOP icon.
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An odd common thread among a small group of new millionaires: They get their groceries delivered. The lesson: prioritizing matters.
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By Web Bryant, USA TODAY
For the youngest workers, finding a job today is a long shot. A viable solution? Create a separate minimum wage for teens.
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By Omar Sobhani, AP
The last thing we need is a general ridiculing the president or his administration.
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BP should answer for the suffering of the seabirds, turtles, dolphins and others.
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Also views on providing gunshot sensors to the troops and government support of homeownership
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By Charles Dharapak, AP
During the vetting process for Robert Bork, Dems openly acknowledged that a nominee's views were the primary issue, not his qualifications.
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AFP/Getty Images
Are they finally done over on Court 18 at Wimbledon?
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Veterinarian Patty Khuly took in a new foster dog, but has to wonder about Miami laws banning the pit bull "breed."