Marek Hlavac

Slovak Election Data Project

The Slovak Election Data Project makes election data from the Slovak Republic available to academic researchers, students, policy-makers and the general public. The data sets are constructed from publicly available information published by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky). The project is managed by Marek Hlavac [personal website], currently a graduate student at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Please feel free to use our data sets in your research. We ask, however, that you include a citation.

Disclaimer: The Slovak Election Data Project is not affiliated with any government, academic or research institution. All data sets and programs are provided without any warranty - without even the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the manager of the Slovak Election Data Project be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages of any type or nature resulting from the use of any of the provided data sets or programs.

Slovakia - Parliamentary Election 2010

This election was held on 12 June 2010. Below, please find data set with election results in computer-readable form. (Last update: 21 June 2010)

Please cite as:
Hlavac, Marek. 2010. "Results of the 2010 Parliamentary Election in the Slovak Republic - Data Set." Slovak Election Data Project, 21 June 2010.

Data sets:

slovakia_parl_election_2010.xls [download; 2,047 KB]
STATA: slovakia_parl_election_2010.dta [download; 801 KB]
SAS: slovakia_parl_election_2010.sas7bdat [download; 1,134 KB]
SPSS for Windows: slovakia_parl_election_2010.sav [download; 691 KB]
Comma-separated ASCII: slovakia_parl_election_2010.csv [download; 1,090 KB]

slovakia_parl_election_2010.pdf [download]

Note: If order to re-create the data set, some additional files (mostly .xls files from the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic) are needed. The STATA .do file, published below, is meant to give users an idea about how the data set was constructed.

STATA: slovakia parliament election 2010 - construct [download]