
Adobe ColdFusion

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Rapidly build, deploy, and maintain Internet applications

Adobe® ColdFusion® application server and software enables developers to rapidly build, deploy, and maintain robust Internet applications for the enterprise. ColdFusion 9 allows developers to condense complex business logic into fewer lines of code. ColdFusion Builder is an Eclipse based IDE for efficiently managing ColdFusion application development from concept through deployment. Together, they offer a complete set of tools and services for creating rich, robust Internet applications.

Learn what you can do with ColdFusion through these demonstrations, informative articles, and features details.

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Learn what you can do with ColdFusion through these demonstrations, informative articles, and features details.

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Connect with the ColdFusion community to find help, discover new techniques, and share your knowledge.

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Coldfusion Builder

ColdFusion Builder

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Related Products
ColdFusion 8
Looking for information on the previous release? Visit the ColdFusion 8 product section.

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