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News (publishers) Help

Report an update

Please confirm that your site is included in Google News before submitting this form. Learn more. If your site is not yet included in Google News, you may request inclusion here.

* Required Field

Your site's information as it initially appeared in Google News:

* Site name:
(Example: My Old News Site)
* Site URL:
* City:
State / Province:
* Country:
* Site language:

Your site's updated information:

Updated site name:
(Example: My Updated News Site)
Updated site URL:
State / Province:
Updates effective as of:

Your site's updated sections:

Please provide a valid URL and topic for each news section you'd like to add or update to facilitate our review process.
News section URL: Section Topic:

(eg. )
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Your contact information:

Please provide your contact information in case we need to get back to you for more information:
* Your first name:
Your last name:
* Your email address:
* Subject:

If you have additional comments and information about your site, please let us know:

Tell us how we're doing: Please answer a few questions about your experience to help us improve our Help Center.