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About VU3RDD

My real name is Ramakrishnan, VU3RDD is my ham radio callsign. I live and work in Bangalore, India. My interests are in electronics, computing, programming etc.

I used to be actively interested in amateur (ham) radio. But off late, the interest in amateur radio have waned. I still follow the developments in amateur radio and keep buying some electronics for experimentation later. I became an engineer because of amateur radio.

I am a big believer in the Free Software movement and would like all information to be Free (Free as in Freedom). Owners of any equipment, should be able to tinker with it.

My current interests are in computing and programming languages, especially functional languages and their applications to real problems. My current interests revolve around Lisp and its cousins like Clojure. I work with Linux kernel in my day job (which was a hobby at one point). I am also a Debian Developer.

I am not very active in the so called social networks. But recently I started taking twitter more seriously. I can be seen tweeting @vu3rdd.

I also try to read books and spend a lot of my time and money on it. Recently I have started experimenting with ebooks, though I still like the feel and smell of dead-tree books, but storage have been a problem. I have put most of my technical books in my librarything page.

I put random code I write into my github account.