Allison Kilkenny

Allison Kilkenny

Posted: July 1, 2010 05:23 PM

Allegations Emerge BP Is Dumping Sand To Cover Oil

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Yesterday, I contacted a friend of mine, C.S. Muncy, who is a photojournalist currently raising all kinds of hell down in southern Louisiana.

C.S.'s original goal was to gain access to some of the areas being guarded by BP contractors and deemed "off limits" to reporters, but yesterday he, along with Save Our Shores's Judson Parker, made an unexpected discovery.

They believe that BP has been dumping sand on the beaches in order to cover up oil. You can view some video Judson shot of the beach over here.

I called C.S. to ask him about the alleged cover-up.

AK: Is it true that BP has been covering some of the oil on the beach with sand?

CM: Yeah. Yeah, this is interesting...We went down onto the beaches, and we started inspecting them. There were tar balls, tar residue, and there was some oil on the beach. Apparently, the day before there was a lot of tar balls, and BP was working in the area pretty heavily, and we started noticing there was a different consistency in the sand.

Closer to shore, there was this grainy, very rough shell-filled sand, and then you could see almost like a border where it just spilled over onto the beach sand, which is a very fine-grained sand. And it looked as if it was dumped. I mean, you could dig a few inches down, and you could see that it was a different type of sand beneath that, you know, without all the shell and grit, and what not. It looked very much like that. Our first assumption was, yeah, that they were dumping sand to cover up the tar balls.

You know, when I first said me, it sounded conspiratorial - more so than I usually think. But then, soon after, we were stopped by some local sheriffs - actually, scratch that, they weren't local sheriff - they were working for the local sheriff, but these guys were bussed in from... (C.S. asks Judson if he remembers where they were bussed in from) ...from Jefferson Parish - from way up north - he was a city guy, and there were two of them that stopped us, and they weren't unpleasant about it - they weren't mean - but we could hear them talking on the radio, and their job was to run us off. So they told us, no more pictures - at least no more pictures of them. In fact, they stopped me from going out onto the beach a little bit further, and taking more pictures. But, you know, we got to talking with the guy, one of them, and he said, 'Yeah, they came here, and just dumped a bunch of sand on the beach.' They were just shoveling it on.

We could see the erosion and where the tar still was, and there was a total separate point from where the sand was dumped on.

Update: Shannyn Moore has more on the cover-up (along with some photos from C.S.) here.

Update 2: If you would like to support C.S.'s work, you can send him cash through PayPal to - Click the link here.

Correction: An earlier version of this article linked to, which is a separate group in California. Judson Parker is a representative from

Cross-posted from Allison Kilkenny's blog


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Yesterday, I contacted a friend of mine, C.S. Muncy, who is a photojournalist currently raising all kinds of hell down in southern Louisiana. C.S.'s original goal was to gain access to some of the a...
Yesterday, I contacted a friend of mine, C.S. Muncy, who is a photojournalist currently raising all kinds of hell down in southern Louisiana. C.S.'s original goal was to gain access to some of the a...
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Beatcomber   41 minutes ago (1:06 AM)
There are numerous youtube videos of BP contractors covering oil polluted beaches with sand. My guess is some news network is going to make a big story out of it.

It's just too easy and too juicy. They will sell lots of expensive ad time.
Moxo   57 minutes ago (12:50 AM)
hey weren't mean - but we could hear them talking on the radio, and their job was to run us off. So they told us, no more pictures

Where's an Edison Carter and Network 23 when you need 'em!
Bikerentgirl   1 hour ago (12:29 AM)
I realize that BP has handled this situation completely wrong - however, I live on a barrier island and spend much time on the beach! It is completely natural for the sane to appear the way it was described in the above article. Depending on wind direction, currents, tides, and other naturally occuring events different weight sands, pieces of shells, etc. can be distributed in such a way as to form a layered look! Every and any day on Tybee Island, Georgia, you can scoop out a section of sane, either at the water level or higher, and you will see the same effect. BP is to blame for a lot of misdoings - but this is not one!
Margie Kronewitter   2 hours ago (12:00 AM)
different beach sand definitely varies. we have red, green, white, black, gold. i wouldn't put anything past BP in it's coverup. WHY ARE THEY STILL IN CONTROL OF THE CRIME SCENE? however, it would have taken many trucks to layer that much 4" deep. ask the locals if it is normal sand.

I've been calling to encourage NIGHT CLEANING: 1. oil comes in with tide at night 2. blobs melt and soak in during heat of day 3. too hot to work during day for more than 10-20 MINUTES per hour rule Florida seems to be listening.

Locals should do cleanup, not outside contractors. I need reimbursement for OIL-stress from Maui. :(
Chowdog76   2 hours ago (11:44 PM)
Why is anyone surprised? A company that let a ecological catastrophe happen because of cutting corners and bigger profits is essentially sweeping the dust under the rug, and we are caught of guard by this? I mean, I thinks it's terrible that they are this lazy/incompetent/insert negative adjective here, but comes with the territory of being an Oil Barron. God, it's times like these where regulations doesn't look all that bad.
RTIII   4 hours ago (9:32 PM)
...If not BP, who?

Yeah, EASILY believeable.

I would not be upset at this if it were done later in the game when it would be a lot less likely just to get re-soiled.
dirtfarm   10 hours ago (4:01 PM)
YouTube recorded 6/29 on Pensacola Beach, 'cover-it-up-with-new-sand'
dirtfarm   9 hours ago (4:18 PM)
Thanks Gregg for the numerous posts on YouTube regarding this issue. (There's lots).;=related
duskdemon   11 hours ago (3:08 PM)
what is going on??? this is crazy! how is this even happening? its not even an american company. talk about not even using the KY before giving it to us.

i mean... why should i even pay taxes? why should i support a body that clearly doesn't care about the people who is funding it. i'm serious... why are any of us even paying taxes? we can't elect a single person to be responsible in any town, county, or state in this entire nation.

i'd love to put out the challenge to find just ONE honest public worker. just one. they all may as well work for BP in this game.
Razakel   7 hours ago (6:27 PM)
Actually, 40% of BP is US-owned. Another 40% is UK-owned. Remember, it merged with Amoco (US).

We're not talking about a "foreign company" here. We're talking about a corporation so large it basically transcends boundaries, like, for example, P&G.;

The rig was owned by Transocean (US, based in Switzerland for tax reasons) and the blow-out preventer built by Halliburton (US, based in Dubai for tax reasons).


floodberg   2 hours ago (11:27 PM)
Great observation, Razakel. Obama's speech says he's still in control, but BP determines their own actions which get rubber-stamped. Moreover, BP pays the lawyer handling claims (under an undisclosed agreement). Having destroyed the top 3 industries (shipping, fishing, tourism), a loss of $111 Billion/year, they have huge numbers of desperate citizens under a still strong media blackout further strengthened yesterday with the new 65 foot rule for filming.

BP has gone beyond a corporation - it is now the only effective government in the gulf spill multistate region, with approval of every decision. On the web, you can find videos of gulf 'town meetings,' with legislators saying 'but BP won't let us' and citizens saying 'isn't the US still the govt?' The local legislators don't argue the point. I saw one that literally had the legislator in tears, but I didn't bookmark it, sorry. Here's a multiparter for confronting BP
futbol4fun   3 hours ago (10:49 PM)
The majority of the country is longer owned by America. What's your point?
Shredder628   12 hours ago (1:30 PM)
A repost from Kuuba

They're also burning dolphins and turtles alive as well as the dead ones to cover their behinds.


Kenneth Braxton   13 hours ago (1:15 PM)
What's wrong with covering the oil? It came from underground anyway.
dlvme2   11 hours ago (2:52 PM)
What is wrong with it is it is not like the sand that was there - it forms like a tar ball and is hard - not what most people want on a vacation beach - also it is being done as a coverup and it is wrong.


Todd Behrmann   8 hours ago (5:42 PM)
You cover up the oil, but not the tocicity. User your head
Shredder628   14 hours ago (11:43 AM)
There sure are a lot of BP PR operatives posting here today. I guess they can afford it.
dumb n dummer   15 hours ago (11:07 AM)
you people need to get off your "GREEN HORSES" and take a look from where the real people live...not with your heads in the clouds. BP is responsible for the leak...granted...but the government has done little to nothing to help stop it besides what the president does best....POINT FINGERS. AND ASK WHO'S ASS TO KICK...maybe instead of looking to kick someones ass...we should be looking for a way to STOP THE LEAK....


krayoncolorz   13 hours ago (1:11 PM)
what's the president supposed to do exactly? if he were to really get involved then all those on the right probably including you would be yelling and up in arms about how anti-business he is and what a scary socialist he is making this country out to be. get real. the only disappointment i have is that there isn't more being done against bp and i think other oil companies should be brought in to help with the clean up. i don't like them either but at least they have a better safety track record
soulc   11 hours ago (3:12 PM)
you are so wrong I can't even list all the reasons way. you forgot the last elemnt in your must be you.....Dumbest
Lauren Stephens   15 hours ago (11:06 AM)
this is hilarious. truly hilarious. lol. are the majority of the readers his really THIS ignorant to think that BP purposely WANTED this to happen, they planned this to happen? what company wants to lose billions of dollars on purpose, not to mention all the negative press...

you people need a few lessons in logic, because you obviously dont understand what it means.
dlvme2   11 hours ago (2:55 PM)
They wanted to make as much money as possible and put people's lives at risk - knowing that there were safety issues. They swore that if anything happened they were able to clean it up and that was never the case. They lied to get money and to use the public and no it is not hilarious it is very sad and disturbing. The ocean will have a very hard time recovering and many have lost their jobs - I fail to see the humor in this.
duskdemon   11 hours ago (3:12 PM)
right. they didn't really want to cover up the oil with sand. they didn't want to botch the clean up effort and cut corners in the clean up effort. when they delivered all those loads of sand to just this one beach it was an accident. they honestly wanted to clean up the oil the right way, its just those pesky trucks of sand going where ever they please.
Zwaan   10 hours ago (3:19 PM)
"....this is hilarious. truly hilarious. lol. are the majority of the readers his really THIS ignorant to think that BP purposely WANTED this to happen, they planned this to happen? what company wants to lose billions of dollars on purpose, not to mention all the negative press...

you people need a few lessons in logic, because you obviously dont understand what it means...."

Really? REALLY???? So, if you DO know what it means, tell it to these 'ignorant' readers, please!
sadie and boo   3 hours ago (11:14 PM)
I think what Lauren is saying is that BP was negligent, not malevolent. They didn't orchestrate the oil spill, but they're liable because it was the result of poor management.
BrokeBoysBoxers   24 hours ago (1:54 AM)
Ok, so I read that Tony Haward or however you spell it, sold his BP stocks on March 31, 2010 right? And the oil spill explosion happened on April 20th RIGHT?! So WTF is this....

It is dated March 31st, the day everyone sold their BP stock, but the oil spill didnt happen yet.....
Not Nick   23 hours ago (2:52 AM)
It's dated May 31st
abbeysbooks   10 hours ago (3:20 PM)
The warning signs were already on the rig. Schlumberger got its peole off just in time and had to get private helicopters to do it as BP wouldn't do anything to get them off after they condemned it.
Zwaan   10 hours ago (3:21 PM)
30 and 31 MAY it says. M-A-Y. The fifth month. 2 months after the month of March. AFTER.


Todd Behrmann   8 hours ago (5:45 PM)
Please tell me you aren't a teacher.
Margie Kronewitter   2 hours ago (12:12 AM)
he was probably advised about all the kicks of gas and accidentally drilled anular. lots of problem over the whole month preceeding the disaster. (watch 60 Minutes and LISTEN TO THE WIVES OF THOSE KILLED....they had plenty warnings.) they knew the BOP was their only hope, but it has leaking hydraulic fluid. BOPs only work 45% of the time. He's not stupid, just drugged during hearings and doesn't care about LIFE other than his own.


Judson Parker   01:47 AM on 7/03/2010
More videos are coming in of other beaches where this is apparently happening.

Notice the Commissioner states that "the sand being brought in is gritty...our beaches are known for their white sand" - exact same thing as we found on Grand Isle:

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