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Google: Get the Weather in Google Calendar

Friday, January 16th, 2009 – running time 01:03
Integrate weather forecasts into Google Calendar planning with this handy tip!

A recent Google update to their online Calendar application provides host of cool functions but many of you might have missed a cool tool that lets you insert relevant weather information into your calendar automatically making super useful if you want to plan events with the weather in mind.

Tekzilla ( 0:50, 0:50 ) Celsius ( 0:32, 0:32 ) Veronica Belmont ( 0:09, 0:09 ) Google ( 0:10, 0:19, 0:10, 0:19 ) Tekzilla ( 0:50, 0:50 ) Celsius ( 0:32, 0:32 ) Veronica Belmont ( 0:09, 0:09 ) Google ( 0:10, 0:19, 0:10, 0:19 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" lovely tax holiday I am Veronica Belmont we receive this Google calendar tip from Matthew W an Ottawa he writes. With all the Gmail features being announce people myself included. Might have missed a handy little feature in Google calendar that -- weather information in your calendar automatically based on your current location. In calendar go to settings and add your location information than a few options down enable the show weather based on my location Canada Celsius to Fahrenheit. Click save and -- look at your calendar you'll see little weather icons at the top for each day. Thanks Matthew what's more clicking on a little icon on dvd anti weather forecast for the rest today now if you have a temperature that you want to share and email -- at -- so live vision three dot com and don't forget Tekzilla dot com. It's deep place to find more tips tricks product reviews how to use them."

" lovely tax holiday I am Veronica Belmont we receive this Google calendar tip from Matthew W an Ottawa he writes. With all the Gmail features being announce people myself included. Might have missed a handy little feature in Google calendar that -- weather information in your calendar automatically based on your current location. In calendar go to settings and add your location information than a few options down enable the show weather based on my location Canada Celsius to Fahrenheit. Click save and -- look at your calendar you'll see little weather icons at the top for each day. Thanks Matthew what's more clicking on a little icon on dvd anti weather forecast for the rest today now if you have a temperature that you want to share and email -- at -- so live vision three dot com and don't forget Tekzilla dot com. It's deep place to find more tips tricks product reviews how to use them."