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Firefox: Remember Where You Left Off Reading Online

Monday, April 6th, 2009 – running time 01:22
Never lose your place in a long essay

Does all that scrolling in Firefox make you lose your place constantly? On today's Tekzilla Daily, Veronica's got a tip so you'll never get lost in that page again.

Tekzilla ( 0:04, 0:11, 0:44, 0:46, 0:04, 0:11, 0:44, 0:46 ) essay ( 0:33, 0:33 ) enter code ( 1:03, 1:03 ) Veronica Belmont ( 0:12, 0:12 ) Tekzilla ( 0:04, 0:11, 0:44, 0:46, 0:04, 0:11, 0:44, 0:46 ) essay ( 0:33, 0:33 ) enter code ( 1:03, 1:03 ) Veronica Belmont ( 0:12, 0:12 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" Warm and today's Tekzilla daily is to you by"

" Welcome to Tekzilla daily I'm Veronica Belmont. Reading the longest article online through Firefox any Chinese scroll down you can find your place all over again and right not anymore. Just -- scroll markers simple grease monkey scripts that displays transparent temporary line across the page each time this girl -- fact that -- dot. -- it's kind scanning rate left -- on the online essay. Now does of course Firefox only but it -- user version nine dot sex has its functionality built -- Good to present passed on to the rest of the TV screen to -- not at Tekzilla at And as always Tekzilla dot com. It's the place to find more tips tricks product reviews and how to. If you make an impact online has what you need. Dot com names as low as a dollar and 99 plus one class hosting fast and easy -- save thousands and much more. Plus enter code TVP one when you check out this is an additional 10% off your entire order. Some restrictions apply see site for details get your piece of the Internet at"

" Yeah. --"

" Warm and today's Tekzilla daily is to you by"

" Welcome to Tekzilla daily I'm Veronica Belmont. Reading the longest article online through Firefox any Chinese scroll down you can find your place all over again and right not anymore. Just -- scroll markers simple grease monkey scripts that displays transparent temporary line across the page each time this girl -- fact that -- dot. -- it's kind scanning rate left -- on the online essay. Now does of course Firefox only but it -- user version nine dot sex has its functionality built -- Good to present passed on to the rest of the TV screen to -- not at Tekzilla at And as always Tekzilla dot com. It's the place to find more tips tricks product reviews and how to. If you make an impact online has what you need. Dot com names as low as a dollar and 99 plus one class hosting fast and easy -- save thousands and much more. Plus enter code TVP one when you check out this is an additional 10% off your entire order. Some restrictions apply see site for details get your piece of the Internet at"

" Yeah. --"