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Windows: View Centuries in Vista's Calendar

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 – running time 01:28
A Vista tip for calendar users

Do you use Vista's calendar? On today's Tekzilla Daily, Patrick has a tip to make your life easier.

Tekzilla ( 0:04, 0:11, 0:23, 0:48, 0:49, 0:52, 0:04, 0:11, 0:23, 0:48, 0:49, 0:52 ) enter code ( 1:07, 1:07 ) calendar ( 0:13, 0:27, 0:13, 0:27 ) Patrick Norton ( 0:11, 0:11 ) Tekzilla ( 0:04, 0:11, 0:23, 0:48, 0:49, 0:52, 0:04, 0:11, 0:23, 0:48, 0:49, 0:52 ) enter code ( 1:07, 1:07 ) calendar ( 0:13, 0:27, 0:13, 0:27 ) Patrick Norton ( 0:11, 0:11 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" Warm and today's Tekzilla daily is to you by"

" the Tekzilla daily I'm Patrick Norton. This is calendar can be summoned by clicking on the clock in the lower right hand corner. Access to future passage can be accomplished with little arrows to the left to right. What you want by the dates far in the future or past Tekzilla daily viewer Ryan has an answer for yet he wrote in. When you have the calendar up click on the month name and we'll show all the months of the year creaking in it will show all the year of the decade click again. All the decades of the century. You can use the left -- right -- on the screen to navigate every single level. Thanks Ryan now. The public over the point when he first -- 8200 years should be enough for most morals. Got a tip for us to pass along the rest of the Tekzilla crew email -- Tekzilla at And as always Tekzilla dot com is deeply to find more tips tricks product reviews and how to use. If you make it."

" Impact online has what she -- dot com names as low as it's only 99 plus what plus hosting fast and easy let's save something and much more. Plus enter code TE CD finally check out and save an additional ten dollars off any order of forty dollars or more. Some restrictions apply see site for keeping -- your piece of the Internet at"

" Warm and today's Tekzilla daily is to you by"

" the Tekzilla daily I'm Patrick Norton. This is calendar can be summoned by clicking on the clock in the lower right hand corner. Access to future passage can be accomplished with little arrows to the left to right. What you want by the dates far in the future or past Tekzilla daily viewer Ryan has an answer for yet he wrote in. When you have the calendar up click on the month name and we'll show all the months of the year creaking in it will show all the year of the decade click again. All the decades of the century. You can use the left -- right -- on the screen to navigate every single level. Thanks Ryan now. The public over the point when he first -- 8200 years should be enough for most morals. Got a tip for us to pass along the rest of the Tekzilla crew email -- Tekzilla at And as always Tekzilla dot com is deeply to find more tips tricks product reviews and how to use. If you make it."

" Impact online has what she -- dot com names as low as it's only 99 plus what plus hosting fast and easy let's save something and much more. Plus enter code TE CD finally check out and save an additional ten dollars off any order of forty dollars or more. Some restrictions apply see site for keeping -- your piece of the Internet at"