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joined on 11/23/06
last updated 10/21/09
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Afro-Colombians fight biodiesel producers (blog entry) BBC NEWS
Afro-Colombians fight biodiesel producers

By Jane Monahan

For Afro-Colombians evicted from their land in north-western Colombia and along the Pacific coast, the loss of familiar surroundings of lush jungle and rugged mounta... read more
blog entry posted Sun, December 21, 2008 - 11:31 AM permalink - 3 comments
Only ancient wisdom is solace to man’s miseries (blog entry) QUESTION

Keith Dierkx: What are the myths that we need to create to change the world for the better?


Eliot Weinberger: Well, myth is not something that is not – they are not created out of [an old cloth]. You certainly don’t inv... read more
blog entry posted Thu, December 18, 2008 - 9:57 AM permalink - 0 comments
The game of love and chance: a discussion with Paul Virilio (blog entry) But now the travelers are traveled. Dreamers are dreamed. They are no longer free to move about, they are traveled by the program. They are no longer free to dream, they are dreamed by the program.


The game of love and c... read more
blog entry posted Fri, December 12, 2008 - 2:11 PM permalink - 0 comments
No creas (blog entry) No creas en lo que has oído.
No creas en la tradición porque provenga de muchas generaciones.
No creas en nada de lo que se ha hablado muchas veces.
No creas en algo porque haya sido escrito por algún viejo sabio.
No creas en las conjeturas.
... read more
blog entry posted Tue, August 12, 2008 - 1:11 PM permalink - 0 comments
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My Blog

Afro-Colombians fight biodiesel producers

By Jane Monahan

For Afro-Colombians evicted from their land in north-western Colombia and along the Pacific coast, the loss of familiar surroundings of lush jungle and rugged mountains can be devastating .

Take Yajaira, a slender 18-year-old, one of four children whose family was displaced from a settlement in the Cacarica river basin just south of Colombia's border with Panama.

She misses her place of origin deeply.

"... read more
Sun, December 21, 2008 - 11:31 AM permalink - 3 comments

Keith Dierkx: What are the myths that we need to create to change the world for the better?


Eliot Weinberger: Well, myth is not something that is not – they are not created out of [an old cloth]. You certainly don’t invent a myth. Myths are the result of a long process of telling and retelling stories, stories changing, stories in a way accumulating the way a stalactite is formed by water dropping. I think that we don’t need new myths in the sense that we need to h... read more
Thu, December 18, 2008 - 9:57 AM permalink - 0 comments
But now the travelers are traveled. Dreamers are dreamed. They are no longer free to move about, they are traveled by the program. They are no longer free to dream, they are dreamed by the program.


The game of love and chance: a discussion with Paul Virilio

Paul Virilio, urbanist and militant, lives in Paris. He has published, among other works, Speed and Politics, War and Cinema, Pure War (with Sylvère Lotringer), Popular Defense & Ecological Struggles, The Aest... read more
Fri, December 12, 2008 - 2:11 PM permalink - 0 comments
No creas en lo que has oído.
No creas en la tradición porque provenga de muchas generaciones.
No creas en nada de lo que se ha hablado muchas veces.
No creas en algo porque haya sido escrito por algún viejo sabio.
No creas en las conjeturas.
No creas en la autoridad, en los maestros o en los ancianos.
Cuando hayas observado y analizado detenidamente una cosa,
que esté de acuerdo con la razón y beneficie a uno y a todos,
entonces acéptala y vive conforme a ella.

(Atribuido a Siddhar... read more
Tue, August 12, 2008 - 1:11 PM permalink - 0 comments
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