Thrown Roses

A repository for fanfic and other nonsense

Not that young any more ...

An introduction, of sorts

Because I have been writing fan fiction for very many years.

Because everyone has to be somewhere.

Because I have too much time on my hands.

Just because.


In the 1980s I wrote fan fiction for Battlestar Galactica. Sometimes I wrote it as Anaïs; sometimes I wrote it as A S Lawrence, or A M Sinclair. Occasionally I wrote it as Charlotte Sturley. All of this made sense on some level, or it did at the time. But everyone was me. And still is.

I also co-ran The Thirteenth Tribe, the British Battlestar Galactica fan club, and took over The Richard Hatch Fan Fellowship when its founder gave it up due to ill-health. Fandom may, or may not, be a waste of time, but without it, I would probably never have gone to America. I doubt America would have cared either way; but hey.

Oh, boy ...

In the 1990s I wrote fan fiction for Quantum Leap. Still as A S Lawrence, usually; sometimes as A M Sinclair. It rather depended on how many times I thought the same person could contribute to any one zine.

... remember zines ...?

Probably you don't. But never mind.

I also ran a Quantum Leap newsletter (Quantum Quest) as well as one for Scott Bakula (Basically Bakula). Busy little bunny, I was. Not to say obsessive. Obsessive enough to fly to the USA for Quantum Leap conventions, several times.

You would think one would grow out of this sort of thing.


So stick around

And in the shiny new millennium, along came fan fiction for Sports Night. Which is where we shall stay, at least for a little while. But by way of variety, this is usually written on LiveJournal, under the name of phoebesmum.

Never let it be said I cannot change with the times.

Although some may argue that the fic is still pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago ...

Oh. There's been some Dead Poets Society fic too, along the way. Which is not much of a digression. But a little of one. And one fic based on Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle and Chrestomanci universes. But otherwise I tend not to stray.

Obligatory Warnings and Disclaimers

Some of the stories on this site contain sex. Actually, quite a lot of them do. Some of them don't. Be prepared for that, too. When there is sex, it's generally slash. That's male/male, in case you didn’t know, and if you didn't know, why are you reading fanfic? To put it another way: for the most part, this stuff's meant for grown-ups. My definition of a grown-up is someone who knows their own mind, but there are legal definitions too. Stick to them, would you? Rule of thumb: don't like/can't cope = don't read.

These stories are fan fiction; I don't own any of these characters, don't claim to, and certainly don't make any sort of profit from them. I do this for fun, to amuse my friends, and for the love of the respective shows and characters. No harm, no foul, whatever that means.