Friday 23 July 2010 | Science News feed


Secret of how moles breathe underground revealed

The secret of how moles are able to breathe underground has been discovered.

The Eastern mole
The red blood cells of the Eastern mole allow it to get away with re-breathing its own expired air Photo: WIKIPEDIA

Scientists found the animals are tolerent to high levels of carbon dixoxide are so can re-breathe its own expired air.

The key is in the haeomoglobin protein found in red blood cells.

Scientists studying a mole species called the Eastern mole, found the cells carry much more carbon dioxide than normal, enabling the animal to survive in enclosed spaces containing high levels of the gas.

Dr Kevin Campbell, from the University of Manitoba in Canada, said: ''Moles are routinely exposed to conditions of low oxygen and high carbon dioxide.

''Burrowing is difficult in itself, but is made even more challenging by the requirement to re-breathe their own expired air.

''We've found that one species, the Eastern mole, appears to be uniquely adapted to underground life through the evolution of a special kind of haemoglobin in their blood that greatly enhances its carbon dioxide-carrying capacity.''

The research is published today in the online journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

Co-author Dr Roy Weber, from the University of Aarhus in Denmark, said: ''It would be interesting to see if the haemoglobins of other burrowing species exhibit comparable specialisations.''

The team believes the research could lead to the development of artificial human blood with specially engineered properties.

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