StyleFeeder, the Personal Shopping Engine Learn More Shoes Apparel Jewelry Accessories Furniture
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Let StyleFeeder be your personal shopper!

Check out some of the many ways StyleFeeder makes shopping easier, faster and more fun!

Our shopping engine learns your style

The more stuff you add to your StyleFeed, the more we learn about your style. As you add products from your favorite online stores, discover cool products added by other StyleFeeders, and rate products on a scale from 1 (hate it!) to 5 (love it!), our system is learning what you like. And all you have to do is shop!

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Get search results that are personal to you

Looking for something particular? Now that we know a little bit about your style, we’ll return search results in your predicted order of preference. So you’ll see the stuff most likely to float your boat first, without wading through a list of meaningless links.

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Discover products you’re likely to love

The more we learn about your style, the better our recommendations to you. We’ll show you products you might like, as well as people who have similar style to you… we call them your StyleTwins.

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Organize the stuff you’re shopping for

The StyleFeeder Grabber makes it easy to add items from anywhere on the web to your StyleFeed… your own personal wishlist of stuff you own or are coveting. You’ll never wonder “Where did I see that?” again.

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Show off your style

Sharing your sense of style with your family and friends is easy… just add your StyleFeed to your blog, Facebook profile, MySpace page or social networking home so others can keep track of what you’re finding. You’ll never get a bum gift again!

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Let StyleFeeder be your personal shopper!