Joe Miller on the issues
by Chris Freiberg /
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FAIRBANKS - Joe Miller on ... Immigration

Miller says he believes illegal immigration is a “critically important” issue to deal with because of its economic effects on health care, education and employment.

The first step in dealing with the problem, he says, is to secure the border to stop more immigrants from entering the U.S. illegally and protect the country from possible terrorist threats.

He does not believe the millions of immigrants already here illegally should be granted amnesty.

“That cheats all those folks in other countries who have been waiting patiently to come to this country,” Miller said. “When you reward law breaking, you encourage more of the same. One of the reasons we have such a huge illegal immigrant problem today is the amnesty offered under the Reagan administration.”

Miller supports efforts by states such as Arizona to enforce immigration laws when the federal government will not, and he believes illegal immigrants should be deported when they come into contact with law enforcement officials.

Miller was noncommittal about his stance on the 14th Amendment, which grants citizenship to anyone born in the country, but said it is something that needs to be clarified with Constitutional amendments. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., has recently called for reviewing and possibly repealing the 14th Amendment.

“That way it locks it in stone. We don’t have to deal with this issue again some day in the future,” he said. “It provides a level of certainty I believe Americans need on this issue.”

Some politicians have called for repealing the amendment or adding a a new one to deal with the problem of illegal immigrants purposely crossing the border so that their children will be citizens.


Miller has the endorsement of Alaska Right to Life and describes himself as “unequivocally pro-life,” including cases of rape or incest.

He said he believes in abortion “only when the mother’s life is in danger.”

Health care

Miller opposes the health care reform bill championed by President Obama and passed by Congress earlier this year.

He does not believe the Constitution gives the federal government the the power to regulate health care and the Obama bill only makes the health care system less efficient.

He would like to see reform legislation that emphasizes self-funded health care savings accounts and market-based incentives to improve affordability.

“That type of provision would empower people by letting them pay their own medical bills up to a certain level,” Miller said.

Federal spending in Alaska

Miller believes that at $13 trillion, the national debt is out of control, and the U.S. could be in for a reckoning similar to what Greece saw earlier this year.

“That debt load is unsustainable,” he said. “We already have our creditors not buying as much as they have in the past. A Chinese bond rating agency actually downgraded our debt several weeks ago. Our own bond rating agencies will probably downgrade our debt in the very near future.”

Per capita, Alaska gets more federal funding than any other state, with a 2008 University of Alaska Anchorage study determining one-third of all jobs in the state can be traced to federal money.

It’s exactly because of that reliance on federal spending that Miller is concerned that a U.S. debt crisis could turn the state “upside-down overnight.”

He is calling for Alaska to take charge of its own resources to build its economy, rather than rely on funding from the feds.

“The Alaska resource base is more than sufficient to elevate the state to the best economic position in this country,” he said.

Defense spending

With calls across the board to reduce federal spending, even the annual $700 billion defense budget isn’t immune. However, Defense Secretary Robert Gates came under fire earlier this month when he announced the first major budget cut, the closing of a Joint Forces Command in Virginia.

Miller said he believes the defense budget could be run more efficiently, but the combat veteran of the first Gulf War does not think the defense budget should be cut, especially when facing possible threats from countries like Iran.

“If we have one nuclear bomb or one chemical weapon go off in one of our cities overnight, it changes the face of this nation and in a horrific way, not just in loss of life, but in loss of freedom, the impact financially,” Miller said. “We still haven’t recovered from 9/11. We can’t afford to have a military that isn’t that strong, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have efficiencies, and I think that’s what the secretary is trying to build.”

Miller believes government cuts need to come from welfare programs and Medicaid. It is important to continue to pay Social Security to older Americans who have paid into the system for decades, but he also supports privatization of that program.

“The idea is allowing people to invest in private plans they have control over that can actually provide a return and can keep going into perpetuity without someone sticking their hand in it and stealing the money for some other purpose,” he said.

Tribal authority

Earlier this month, Alaska’s Democratic senator, Mark Begich, introduced the Alaska Safe Families and Village Act which would “set up tribal courts, establish tribal ordinances, and ... impose sanctions on those people who violate the ordinances.”

Begich says the act is necessary to combat drug and alcohol problems and deal with the issues of domestic violence and child abuse in rural Alaska.

Miller flatly opposes the plan.

“I absolutely believe rural, local people should have a role in law enforcement, but Sen. Begich’s bill is way off track and I oppose it,” he said. “Every person in Alaska should be subject to the same laws. It’s an issue of equal justice under the law, and equal access to the state’s resources.”

Climate change

Miller doesn’t doubt that the climate changing, only to what extent humans are causing climate change.

“I think it’s undeniable, that anyone who has looked at the natural record of the Earth can see significant cyclical changes well before the industrial age, so we know the temperature change is part of the process of our existence, and frankly, you’re probably aware in the ’70s there were real concerns about global cooling,” he said.

Miller’s said his concern is that if it hasn’t been definitively proven that humans are causing the climate change, the rush to impose legislation such as the so-called “cap-and-trade” system for regulating carbon dioxide could be economically catastrophic, particularly on Alaska projects such as the proposed natural gas pipeline.

“We haven’t heard there’s man-made global warming,” he said. “Second, even if we proved that, we have not proven we have a solution that works. And third, even if we’ve proven that, we haven’t done a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the solutions like cap-and-trade that Sen. Murkowski has proposed are actually worth the cost to people.”

The final word

“Everybody should go to before making their decision in the race,” Miller said.

comments (19)
« aurorawatcher wrote on Tuesday, Aug 24 at 10:43 AM »

Actually, Lisa voted for the HELP committee version, which is contained to a large degree in what passed. She also voted to advance the Senate bill to the floor. That ordinarily wouldn't be a bad vote -- let's get the up-down vote done -- but when you consider how unpopular this bill was/is and that it was a foregone conclusion that it would pass in the open Senate, her vote was conciliatory and treasoneous. Any vote that didn't try to slow down that juggernaut for as long as possible was a vote for Obamacare. She knew that her floor vote against Obamacare is all most voters would ever know about; most people don't look at the little procedural votes.

Joe isn't really lying. Some people would see it as splitting hairs. I was a political science minor, so I know that those procedural votes, if they'd been done well, could have prevented the bill from making it to the Senate floor while it was filibuster proof. They just had to keep it tangled up for a few days until they could mount a filibuster, which might have killed the bill. They didn't and that's means Lisa, in essence, voted for Obamacare. She assured it would be passed because she voted to pass it out of committee to the full floor vote.

My source is Open Congress.
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« bumpo wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 06:15 PM »

That's what lawyers do. They charge for their time and legal counsel. Sheeees...
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« ADF2 wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 01:35 PM »
Well, it looks like I'm probably going to be voting for Lisa. I'm actually saddened by that.

I was seriously considering voting for Miller because we hold the same views on a large number of issues.

But I just looked up Lisa's Senate voting record, in particular her vote on the national healthcare bill - also known as Obamacare (H.R.3590 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), which can be found here: ( )

Miller has been claiming that Lisa voted for Obamacare, which is simply untrue. Undoubtedly she voted for amendments to the bill to try to change it or make it better, but when everything was said and done, she voted against the final version of the bill. Every Republican in the U.S. Senate voted against the final bill.

If Miller can't be completely honest now, when he's simply running for the office, then I can't and won't vote for him. If he's lying about her voting record, it does cause one to wonder if there are other things he's not or won't be honest about.

Joe, you could have won by being campaigning with integrity and honesty. All you've done is hurt your chances by being misleading and dishonest in your campaign ads against Lisa.

I'm very disappointed.
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« jakkers wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 01:25 PM »
joe miller is only for himself ask him why he charges $200.00 just to talk to him at his law office. my vote goes to lisa:) she is open and honest,given the fact that she has leader ship in the senate,andby the way, Abe Lincoln is standing up with great applause for Lisa!!!!!!

a vote for miller is a vote to loose your rights!!
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« aurorawatcher wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 12:06 PM »
I'm voting for Joe Miller for a variety of reasons. I like that he actually thinks the legislature ought to follow the Constitution and not create laws that are contrary to the founding principles of this country. I'm just a bit tired of government overreach.

I agree with him on many of the issues. I disagree with him on a few. I can live with the disagreements because they're few and because I feel that Joe is willing to listen to the constituents, to realize that it is OUR government, not his.

Joe isn't Lisa and that's a major point in his favor. He doesn't come with the baggage of daddy's appointment. He doesn't have a record in the Alaska legislature as a RINO.

When Lisa came for the townhall for the health care debate, she stated quite clearly that she agreed with medical care reform and that she thought some sort of reform was better than no reform. Later, when Obamacare passed, she wrote me a letter saying that she didn't foresee repealing the entire bill, but thought it might need some tweaking. Obviously she hadn't read the bill (I had) and didn't realize what a tangled web it is, that tweaking it won't do any good. You need to tear down and start all over again, working incrementally, addressing real problems, not making a sweeping change that makes health care decisions more complicated and expensive, not less.

When Lisa was (really) running for office the first time, my daughter -- who was 11 at the time -- asked her a question about education. The kid's smart. It was a well-worded question that got to the point, better than what most adults could do. Lisa gave her a dumbed-down answer in poor grammar and then was flumoxed when my daughter corrected her. Not that I was a supporter then (daddy's appointment bothers me!), but it proved to me that she doesn't listen.

Yeah, she knows we're watching her now and she'll toe the line for a while -- until some reforms have been put in place to settle down the rush toward socialism and we the voters begin to relax. Then Lisa will be back voting for progressive socialism because that's what she's always done and that's what she thinks is the best course for the country.

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington roll over in their graves everytime Lisa Murkowski's name is mentioned.
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« Pearl=W wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 11:48 AM »
Personally, I think that if Miller wins the Repub primary, we will almost certainly have a second Dem. Senator representing Alaska next year.
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« Navin wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 11:44 AM »
Miller is reasonable and sensible, contrary to what the loony lefty attack dogs try to portray. He has my vote.

Have you ever noticed how the "Progressives" imply that if you don't vote for their candidate, you can't hang out with the cool kids in school? They seem to think that ridicule is a valid political debate technique.
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« 13khael wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 11:08 AM »
Miller's statements above have shown me that he clearly doesn't have a complete or functioning grasp of the intracacies of the issues at hand.

Looks like I'll be voting for Lisa.
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« oldowl wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 10:12 AM »
News Miner why are there no articles on the Democratic candidates? This is very biased reporting.
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« FbxGem wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 08:36 AM »
Joe Miller is a religious extremist. He and his "family values" can take a hike. If I want religious extremism, I'll move to Afghanistan, thanks.

To 'Wait_for_it' ... You can bet that Joe's stance on gay marriage is about as reasonable and balanced as his position on abortion.
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« Invictus wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 06:30 AM »
Miller's position on gay marriage is the same as that of President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Senator Murkowski.
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« AlaskaO wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 06:16 AM »
WOW, the liberal crap heads are out early today. The US Constitution is the law of the land. Deal with it people. As for Wait_for_it, go back to San Francisco if you want that type of CRAP legislation. You go Joe! It's time to live by the laws we already have.
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« bumpo wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 05:51 AM »

Is there a law that has been passed in Alaska that legalizes gay marriage?
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« Conserv wrote on Monday, Aug 23 at 12:22 AM »
seriously, Joe is going to win this race, sorry for all you haters and libral lovers.
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« Wait_for_it wrote on Sunday, Aug 22 at 08:44 PM »
Sorry, I didn't realize that use_your_head or the candidate determined the positions up for debate. As a possible constituent I thought I was entitled to ask any question or make any observations that I perceive as important to determining my vote. In addition, Joe was the one who brought up "equal justice under the law".
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« oldowl wrote on Sunday, Aug 22 at 04:21 PM »
Just a few questions for Joe:

What if your daughter were raped? Would you force her to have the baby against her wishes? What would you do to her if she had an abortion without your consent?

Are you aware that we already have health savings accounts that go nowhere near paying medical bills? Are you aware that the average American who has insurance still has trouble with medical bills and most bankruptcies are caused by medical bills? Market forces aren't enough to change this.

Are you willing to give up the Social Security and Medicare benefits you paid into or will you cut that off just after you get yours? What will happen to the many people who need those benefits?Should they go on the corner and panhandle?

And yes, we have heard of man made global warming and no Lisa did not propose cap and trade! Let's all just stick our heads in the sand with the Republicans and do nothing and say no.
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« use_your_head wrote on Sunday, Aug 22 at 03:26 PM »
Nice, don't debate the issues of the article or professed positions of the candidate, jump right to your own biases.

I'm voting for Joe Miller because he has taken the time to speak with individuals about their concerns. He almost missed his flight when speaking with me about the issues of the day. Lisa Murkowski couldn't leave quick enough when I asked her for a moment to talk. Perhaps my pocket book isn't big enough to warrant notice.
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« Wait_for_it wrote on Sunday, Aug 22 at 02:00 PM »
“Every person in Alaska should be subject to the same laws. It’s an issue of equal justice under the law, and equal access to the state’s resources.”

So Joe, does this mean you will support same sex marriage?

Your own words "It's an issue of equal justice under the law,", should apply to all citizens rights, right?

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« unitypeace wrote on Sunday, Aug 22 at 10:31 AM »
-Joe Miller calls himself a “constitutional conservative,” and wants to shut down the Department of Education and phase out Social Security and Medicare. I believe this is far to radical. VOTE FOR LISA, AND GET SOUND, PRACTICAL POLICY, AND NOT EXTREMISM.

source: (author Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC; Fri, August 20, 2010; title: MURKOWSKI DEFENDS AGAINST MILLER ACCUSATIONS)
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