What is the Climate, Average Temperature/ Weather in Belarus?

Whether you wish to travel to Minsk, Belarus ( Latitude & Longitude: see map search field. Altitude: 234 m or 768 ft) on holiday, business or vacation, are interested in buying property there or are looking to migrate the following Belarus climate, temperature and weather information should prove helpful:

  • The average temperature in Belarus is 5.7 °C (42 °F).
  • The average temperature range is 25.5 °C.
  • The highest monthly average high temperature is 23 °C (73 °F) in July.
  • The lowest monthly average low temperature is -11 °C (12 °F) in January.
  • Belarus's climate receives an average of 606 mm (23.9 in) of rainfall per year, or 51 mm (2.0 in) per month.
  • On average there are 195 days per year with more than 0.1 mm (0.004 in) of rainfall (precipitation) or 16 days with a quantity of rain, sleet, snow etc. per month.
  • The driest weather is in March when an average of 26 mm (1.0 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 15 days.
  • The wettest weather is in July when an average of 83 mm (3.3 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurrs across 16 days.
  • The average annual relative humidity is 79.7% and average monthly relative humidity ranges from 67% in May to 90% in November.
  • Average sunlight hours in Belarus range between 0.8 hours per day in December and 9.5 hours per day in June.
  • There are an average of 1815 hours of sunlight per year with an average of 5.0 hours of sunlight per day.
  • There are an average of 87 days per year with frost in Belarus and in January there are an average of 22 days with frost.

Belarus Climate Graph (metric)

Belarus Climate


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Belarus Weather Averages

  Average Minimum Temperatures in Belarus (°C) Average Maximum Temperature in Belarus (°C) Belarus Average Temperature (°C) Average Sea Temp (°C) Average Precipitation/ Rainfall (mm) Wet Days (>0.1 mm) Average Sunlight Hours/ Day Relative Humidity (%) Average Wind Speed in Belarus (Beaufort) Average Number of Days with Frost  
Weather in Belarus in January -11 -4 -7.5 - 34 19 1.3 88 5 22 Average Temperature in Belarus in January
Weather in Belarus in February -10 -3 -6.5 - 30 17 2.1 85 5 20 Average Temperature in Belarus in February
Weather in Belarus in March -6 2 -2 - 26 15 4.7 80.0 5 18 Average Temperature in Belarus in March
Weather in Belarus in April 1 10 6 - 42 15 6.4 74 4 1 Average Temperature in Belarus in April
Weather in Belarus in May 7 18 13 - 59 14 8.4 67 4 0 Average Temperature in Belarus in May
Weather in Belarus in June 11 22 17 - 72 15 9.5 69 4 0 Average Temperature in Belarus in June
Weather in Belarus in July 13 23 18 - 83 16 8.8 73 4 0 Average Temperature in Belarus in July
Weather in Belarus in August 12 22 17 - 81 15 7.7 76 4 0 Average Temperature in Belarus in August
Weather in Belarus in September 8 17 13 - 62 14 5.7 80 4 0 Average Temperature in Belarus in September
Weather in Belarus in October 3 10 7 - 47 16 3.0 85 4 1 Average Temperature in Belarus in October
Weather in Belarus in November -2 2 0 - 40 19 1.1 90 5 7 Average Temperature in Belarus in November
Weather in Belarus in December -7 -2 -4.5 - 30 20 0.8 89 5 18 Average Temperature in Belarus in December

Belarus Climate Chart (imperial)

Belarus Temperature Chart

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Belarus Temperatures in Farenheit

  Average Minimum Temperatures in Belarus (°F) Average Maximum Temperature in Belarus (°F) Average Temperature (°F) Average Sea Temp (°F) Average Precipitation/ Rainfall (in) Wet Days (>0.004 in) Average Sunlight Hours/ Day Relative Humidity (%) Average Wind Speed (Beaufort) Average Number of Days with Frost  
Temperatures in Belarus in January 12 25 19 - 1.3 19 1.3 88 5 22 Climate in Belarus in January
Temperatures in Belarus in February 14 27 20 - 1.2 17 2.1 85 5 20 Climate in Belarus in February
Temperatures in Belarus in March 21 36 28 - 1.0 15 4.7 80 5 18 Climate in Belarus in March
Temperatures in Belarus in April 34 50 42 - 1.7 15 6.4 74 4 1 Climate in Belarus in April
Temperatures in Belarus in May 45 64 55 - 2.3 14 8.4 67 4 0 Climate in Belarus in May
Temperatures in Belarus in June 52 72 62 - 2.8 15 9.5 69 4 0 Climate in Belarus in June
Temperatures in Belarus in July 55 73 64 - 3.3 16 8.8 73 4 0 Climate in Belarus in July
Temperatures in Belarus in August 54 72 63 - 3.2 15 7.7 76 4 0 Climate in Belarus in August
Temperatures in Belarus in September 46 63 55 - 2.4 14 5.7 80 4 0 Climate in Belarus in September
Temperatures in Belarus in October 37 50 44 - 1.9 16 3.0 85 4 1 Climate in Belarus in October
Temperatures in Belarus in November 28 36 32 - 1.6 19 1.1 90 5 7 Climate in Belarus in November
Temperatures in Belarus in December 19 28 24 - 1.2 20 0.8 89 5 18 Climate in Belarus in December

Figures for Minsk, Belarus. See also:

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