Sony should abandon In-Body Stabilization to prevent Over-Heating

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Forum   Sony DSLR Talk
Subject   Sony should abandon In-Body Stabilization to prevent Over-Heating  [SIMILAR]
Posted by   007peter  
Date/Time   9:19:13 AM, Friday, October 08, 2010 (GMT)

In light of recent discovery about A33/A55 overheating. The usefulness of Minolta's In-Body stabilization design has come to past. It is time to abandon In-Body stabilization in favor of In-lens stabilization. Since sony has indicates that SLT (translucent mirror) is its future, we can expect more and more sony SLT to suffer from the same overheating problems.

The obvious blame goes toward the In-Body Stabilization itself. According to sony, turning off In-Body stabilization would increase video shoot from 9min to 29min (*that is a 300% increase* in heat tolerance). Which is to say, in-body stabilization alone is the source of heat rather than the SLT design itself.

Sadly, there are only 3 'standard' zoom lens that has In-lens stabilization in sony alpha mount.
- Sigma 17-70 os hsm
- Sigma 18-125 os hsm
- Sigma 18-250mm os

Traditional DSLR's constant _MIRROR FLIPPING_ can be good thing, as it act as a *FAN* to cool the sensor ;-). But the data overwhelmingly show its is the in-body stabilization that produce the most heat.

Anyhow, this is just my rant. Sony A33/A55 could be the best camera/video hybrid options if sony can solve its heating problem. Going with In-lens stabilization and the problem is solved.

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