EUNIS Classification

The European Nature Information System (EUNIS) habitat classification is a pan-European system, which was developed between 1996 and 2001 by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in collaboration with experts from throughout Europe. It covers all types of natural and artificial habitats, both aquatic and terrestrial.
JNCC has actively contributed to the development of the marine sections of the EUNIS classification, since development began in 1996, with both the structure and detail of the marine classification strongly influenced by JNCC-led work in this area. The 2004 version of the National Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland together with the north-east Atlantic classification developed for the OSPAR Convention in 2004 were fully incorporated to produce the 2004 EUNIS classification. The current 2006 version was created with additional habitat types and revisions to the heirarchical structure, and is available here.
JNCC are continuing work to improve the north-east Atlantic and Baltic sections as part of our partnership with the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) in Paris, who work on behalf of the EEA. Further modifications to the EUNIS classification are currently being considered, both to add further habitat types and to consider the hierarchical structure. See the attached paper and pro forma for more details.
A correlation table has been prepared by JNCC which converts the latest EUNIS marine classification (2006) to the following schemes:
2004 EUNIS classification
The marine habitat classification for Britain and Ireland (v0405)
EC Habitats Directive Annex I types
OSPAR priority habitat types
Users of the correlation table should be aware that there may not be a clear relationship between habitats in classification schemes and lists of protected habitats (Habitats Directive, OSPAR, BAP), especially as the latter are not always precisely defined. Caution should therefore be exercised in using and applying the table.
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