


Labour pain: For moms on parental leave, wages lag

Parenthood is a costly endeavour that goes beyond paying for basics like food, clothing, shelter and education, particularly for mothers who take maternity leave, according to a report released Tuesday.






What makes a family? Like most things it's all relative.

Michelle and David Huck married in 2000 and since then, life has been busy - to say the least.

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Children want to read e-books

The amount of time children spend reading books for enjoyment decreases as they use cell phones and other mobile technology, but e-books might just bring them back to literature, according to a report...

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Studies have shown parents are less likely to help overweight or obese offspring pay for college but researchers from the University of North Texas in Denton have also found parents may be less willing to help their overweight child buy a car.

Overweight youngsters face discrimination-from parents

Overweight youngsters may face discrimination at school and in relationships but a U.S. study has found they can also receive harsher treatment at home -- from their own parents.

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Student loan debt

Student debt more than doubled in last 20 years

Canadian university students are taking on higher debt loads than ever before, more than doubling the amount they borrowed 20 years ago, according to a new report from the Canadian Council on Learning...

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Parenting Column

Don't treat kids like mini-adults

Q: Our six-year-old son is anxiety...


Don't let toddler live on junk food

Q: We have a 2-1/2-year-old who...


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