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 distance in which individuals are clustered
Dot sizes:   = 10,000+   = 1,000 - 9,999   = 100 - 999   = 1 - 99 visits

15 Oct 2010 to 29 Apr 2011: 3,581,179 visits shown above
Statistics updated 10 May 2011@06:32GMT: 3,829,826 visits [?]
Total since 13 Oct 2008: 5,044,647. Previous 24hrs: 21,249.
Notes | Country totals =>
Current Country Totals
From 15 Oct 2010 to 29 Apr 2011

x 10
Russian Federation (RU)278,045
Ukraine (UA)30,287
Belarus (BY)10,514
Kazakstan (KZ)10,356
United States (US)10,138
Germany (DE)3,140
Moldova, Republic of (MD)2,935
Iceland (IS)2,785
Latvia (LV)2,024
Estonia (EE)1,232
France (FR)1,209
United Kingdom (GB)1,144
Norway (NO)953
Uzbekistan (UZ)849
Italy (IT)830
Poland (PL)796
Azerbaijan (AZ)794
Lithuania (LT)769
Spain (ES)742
Israel (IL)722
Kyrgyzstan (KG)715
Canada (CA)710
Czech Republic (CZ)657
Georgia (GE)617
Armenia (AM)608
Netherlands (NL)559
India (IN)549
Bulgaria (BG)477
Belgium (BE)444
Finland (FI)386
Sweden (SE)379
Australia (AU)359
Switzerland (CH)342
Hungary (HU)330
Romania (RO)304
Brazil (BR)299
Slovakia (SK)273
Austria (AT)261
Turkey (TR)257
Greece (GR)243
China (CN)236
Portugal (PT)219
Japan (JP)208
Denmark (DK)205
Philippines (PH)187
Serbia (RS)186
Indonesia (ID)172
Mexico (MX)170
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)158
Tajikistan (TJ)154
Argentina (AR)142
Mongolia (MN)140
Croatia (HR)136
Slovenia (SI)132
Thailand (TH)119
Vietnam (VN)101
Ireland (IE)99
Europe (EU)98
Malaysia (MY)90
South Africa (ZA)89
United Arab Emirates (AE)88
Korea, Republic of (KR)84
New Zealand (NZ)79
Cyprus (CY)69
Egypt (EG)65
Macedonia (MK)65
Sri Lanka (LK)65
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)58
Palestinian Territory (PS)57
Saudi Arabia (SA)52
Pakistan (PK)52
Taiwan (TW)52
Colombia (CO)45
Singapore (SG)45
Venezuela (VE)45
Chile (CL)45
Turkmenistan (TM)44
Puerto Rico (PR)36
Algeria (DZ)34
Peru (PE)32
Malta (MT)32
Hong Kong (HK)29
Lebanon (LB)28
Morocco (MA)25
Tunisia (TN)25
Montenegro (ME)25
Costa Rica (CR)24
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)24
Nigeria (NG)23
Luxembourg (LU)22
Ecuador (EC)22
Jordan (JO)20
Bangladesh (BD)18
Dominican Republic (DO)17
Syrian Arab Republic (SY)17
Albania (AL)16
Jamaica (JM)16
Kuwait (KW)15
Kenya (KE)15
Qatar (QA)12
Iraq (IQ)12
Panama (PA)12
Guatemala (GT)9
Sudan (SD)9
Namibia (NA)9
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA)8
Cambodia (KH)8
Honduras (HN)8
Mauritius (MU)8
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)8
Bahamas (BS)7
Oman (OM)7
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)7
Nepal (NP)6
Yemen (YE)6
Bolivia (BO)6
Uruguay (UY)6
Mozambique (MZ)6
Paraguay (PY)6
Uganda (UG)5
Ethiopia (ET)5
Bahrain (BH)5
Maldives (MV)5
Senegal (SN)5
Ghana (GH)5
El Salvador (SV)5
Myanmar (MM)5
Nicaragua (NI)4
Zambia (ZM)4
Afghanistan (AF)4
Grenada (GD)4
Guyana (GY)4
Cameroon (CM)4
Belize (BZ)4
Gibraltar (GI)3
Jersey (JE)3
Liechtenstein (LI)3
Angola (AO)3
Malawi (MW)3
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI)3
Reunion (RE)3
Netherlands Antilles (AN)3
Rwanda (RW)3
Guernsey (GG)3
Cote D'Ivoire (CI)3
Swaziland (SZ)3
Guam (GU)3
Macau (MO)3
Martinique (MQ)3
Saint Lucia (LC)3
Barbados (BB)3
Guadeloupe (GP)3
Andorra (AD)2
Fiji (FJ)2
Burundi (BI)2
Monaco (MC)2
Gabon (GA)2
Eritrea (ER)2
Aland Islands (AX)2
Mayotte (YT)2
Antigua and Barbuda (AG)2
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)2
Papua New Guinea (PG)2
Faroe Islands (FO)2
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD)2
Haiti (HT)2
Cayman Islands (KY)2
Bhutan (BT)2
Mauritania (MR)2
Botswana (BW)2
Bermuda (BM)2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)2
Aruba (AW)2
Mali (ML)2
Liberia (LR)2
New Caledonia (NC)2
Brunei Darussalam (BN)2
Zimbabwe (ZW)2
Cuba (CU)2
Burkina Faso (BF)2
Cape Verde (CV)2
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FK)1
French Polynesia (PF)1
Madagascar (MG)1
Isle of Man (IM)1
Lesotho (LS)1
Tonga (TO)1
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (KP)1
Guinea-Bissau (GW)1
Djibouti (DJ)1
Sierra Leone (SL)1
Palau (PW)1
Niger (NE)1
Chad (TD)1
Turks and Caicos Islands (TC)1
Dominica (DM)1
Northern Mariana Islands (MP)1
Togo (TG)1
Benin (BJ)1
San Marino (SM)1
Seychelles (SC)1
Solomon Islands (SB)1
Comoros (KM)1
Congo (CG)1
Equatorial Guinea (GQ)1
Virgin Islands, British (VG)1
Suriname (SR)1
French Guiana (GF)1
American Samoa (AS)1
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