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Voices in faith: Is God punishing America?

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The Caravan Moves On | 5:17 p.m. Oct. 29, 2010
Enid, OK
Is God "punishing" America?


I'd say "no".

Now, is God "allowing us to reap the painful consequnces of what we (often foolishly) sow?"

In many, many instances I'd say "yes".

Natural disasters are often just a rolling forth, or unfolding, of physics. However, sometimes, the scriptures say, physical upheavals involving the earth (tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc) are trials given to us by God to help us be humble in the last days before God's Son comes again. But economic meltdowns, painful recessions, many physical diseases, financial distress, etc are consequences of our own foolishness and disobedience to wisdom.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that these natural disasters involving the earth will continue to happen and will continue to happen more often as we get nearer and nearer to the Savior's Second Coming. However, America is not being singled out for these. They are happening all over the world. Even having said this, many man-made 'disasters' could easily be prevented if we just follow the Master.

Bottom line: it's going to be a bumpy ride until He comes. Hang on....
Dennis | 5:30 p.m. Oct. 29, 2010
Harwich, MA
God doesn't "Punish" anyone. Ever.
Silly fanatics.
Hutterite | 6:06 p.m. Oct. 29, 2010
American Fork, UT
Yes, if there is religious, political, or monetary gain to be had from it by someone.
Comments continue below
peter | 7:01 p.m. Oct. 29, 2010
Alpine, UT
From my understanding of scripture, God doesn't hate any of His children. But, He does punish their disobedience to His commandments. He's particularly fond of America, and He'll never let it fail or deviate from its divine purpose or course. History has proven that far too many times.
Blue | 9:25 a.m. Oct. 30, 2010
Salt Lake City, UT
Good grief.

People actually think serious thoughts about this?

Do you have any idea how completely psychotic, petty and sadistic you're making God if you believe that natural disasters have supernatural causes?
Buildings in Billings, Mont., were badly damaged by a tornado that touched down on June 20.
Associated Press

Buildings in Billings, Mont., were badly damaged by a tornado that touched down on June 20.
