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Track Description
The racoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is a member of the canid family (which includes dogs, wolves, and foxes) and is indigenous to east Asia. The raccoon dog is named for its resemblance to the raccoon (Procyon lotor), to which it is not closely related.

The species is found in both plains and mountainous regions and is especially common in woodlands. The raccoon dog is commonly seen near villages and in rural areas.

Between 1931 and 1955, the species was introduced to the European Soviet Union as potential fur or game animals and have spread rapidly since.

The raccoon dog is now abundant throughout Europe.

Native East Asian raccoon dog populations have declined in recent years due to hunting, fur trade and fur trapping, urbanization, an increase of animals associated with human civilization such as pets and abandoned animals, and diseases that may be transmitted between them.

More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raccoon_Dog

See also video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwlRJvtticY#watch-main-area

Photos from:

http://retrieverman.files.wordp ress.com
http://barista.media2.o rg
http://farm4.static .flickr.com
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Track Information
Start Date/Time: 30.07.2009 / 19:12:53 GMT
Duration: n/a
Distance: 19297.2 km (84 points)
Status: Public
Country: Unknown  - Poland
City: Unknown  -> Gdansk
30.07.2009 / 19:12 GMT
Track "Racoon dog" was started.
30.07.2009 / 19:12 GMT
Track "Racoon dog" was finished.
picasa 22.06.2003 / 18:50 GMT
picasa 05.08.2003 / 22:09 GMT
picasa 01.07.2007 / 01:10 GMT
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picasa 30.07.2009 / 19:21 GMT
picasa 30.07.2009 / 19:21 GMT
picasa 30.07.2009 / 19:22 GMT