Why Jeffrey Epstein Supports Science

This post was written by admin on October 25, 2010
Posted Under: Jeffrey Epstein's Blog

Jeffrey Epstein’s Profiles in Sciences draws on some of those extraordinary bold thinkers and achievers, who have done so much to advance the frontiers of knowledge, with whom I have gotten the pleasure to know and support. I am interested in people who are not averse to risk taking, and I may choose to support some original and powerful mavericks and others who may work outside of the conventional scientific mainstream. I have also supported those on the cutting edge, who have already achieved the highest possible scientific recognition by receiving a Nobel Prize.  I wanted to gain insight and understanding in their latest thoughts and paths. I want to know what mystifies them, and what intrigues them, and perhaps, most of all, I wanted to know where they think the most daring possibilities lie. What is left to discover?

Science is still a distinctly human enterprise of creative mind and thought.  It is important to have dialogues with these scientists at a level that is substantive and qualitative. My interviews are not meant to be glib, but are to be pushing the limits of their own thoughts on matters that are important to them and to us. I do not necessarily agree with the opinions of my subject interviews, but I let them take their course, which is the same way that I support these fine individuals through the Jeffrey Epstein Foundation, with no strings attached.

These individuals must display an exceptional creativity and inventiveness in his or her way of work, offering a decidedly new and verifiable way of thinking, imagining, or doing. Criteria may be imagining and building something entirely new; Advancing a well-defined field in an unexpected way; or combining previously separate endeavors with surprising and original results.

Join me as I profile and explore their thoughts through interviews, where we candidly explore and discuss their responses to the challenges of their times in intimate and informal language. We will explore Big Questions and Big Answers that range from the mysteries of the creation of the Universe to the mysteries of the human mind. These are interviews that will discuss not only how we are going about fundamentally changing our understanding our knowledge of our world, but also how we are applying such knowledge to change it for the benefit of humanity.

Jeffrey Epstein

Reader Comments

Evolutionary psychology , as it is now defined , is in a sense a game theoretical approach to understanding , less the brain than the strategies it produces. Those survival strategies of both individual and group behaviors are not always easily combined. What might be under one environment the best strategy for the group, might not be in a specific individuals interest. Suicide bomber for example. However it is in the groups interest and therfore a psychology develops that encourgages the individual to sacrifice him/herself believing that is is ALSO in his/her interest. If the environment changes, so might the strategy

Written By jeffrey epstein on November 4th, 2010 @ 7:02 am

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