South of the Border - a film by Oliver Stone

Kirchner Rescued Argentina’s Economy, Helped Unite South America

The death of Argentina’s former president is a sad loss. His bold defiance of the IMF paved the way for South America’s progress By Mark Weisbrot Published by The Guardian Unlimited (UK) on October 27, 2010. The sudden death of Néstor Kirchner today is a great loss not only to Argentina but to the region [...]

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The Venezuelan Economy: Media Sources Get It Wrong, Again

The bulk of the media often gets pulled along for the ride when the United States government has a serious political and public relations campaign around foreign policy. But almost nowhere is it so monolithic as with Venezuela. Even in the run-up to the Iraq War, there were a significant number of reporters and editorial writers who didn’t buy the official story. But on Venezuela the media is more like a jury that has twelve people but only one brain.

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Murder by Numbers: Do Media Reports of Violent Crime, Poverty, and Inequality in Venezuela Add Up?

Reuters reported yesterday on “a campaign from opposition media to highlight the [Venezuelan] government’s failure to tackle violent crime” ahead of next month’s legislative elections. Such media campaigns, ahead of Venezuelan elections, are hardly surprising – nor is it unusual that the campaign has been picked up by international media, including the New York Times, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal’s opinion page, Voice of America, the Vancouver Sun, public radio, and other outlets. These news reports and opinion pieces repeat the same theme: that violent crime in Venezuela is out of control, which the government of “Hugo Chávez can’t or won’t stop,” as an op-ed in the Miami Herald today puts it.

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