Good Fortune by AustinBreed

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Submitted: 05/19/2010 | 06:26AM EST

File Info: Game | 1.1 MB | Add Game to Favorites

Genre: Simulation - Other

Current Score: 3.42 / 5.00

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Pray for good fortune.

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Average Score: 6.9 / 10

Score: 10

"Deeper Meaning"

date: November 10, 2010

I guess what this has to say is that if you want something, stop sitting there wishing for it and get up and do something about it. Sounds like my life.

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Score: 8

"Another Artistic game"

by: o2weak
date: October 26, 2010

The game isn't too much religious but it says that praying is not an answer for all
nothing happens if you just pray all the times but praying for additional help , forgiveness and thanksgiving will do. But praying for good fortune without doing anything won't do you know, you can sit there all the time and pray but nothing will happen unless other people might come and share you so good fortune.
Anyways I like the message and I have a question , "Is there an ending?"

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Score: 7


date: October 24, 2010

Not religous, But makes sense??..

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Score: 2

"Far too simplistic to carry any meaning."

date: October 20, 2010

The "game" did nothing to convey a real message because there really was nothing to the game at all. The only message it conveys is that, "Praying for things to happen and then doing nothing about it doesn't do anything." which really isn't much of a message. After all, your guy can sit there praying forever, but it's not like anything bad happens to him either. He just kind of stays in a limbo which distracts from any impact this flash carries.

There could have been a ton of things that you could have done to do more with this. I was actually thinking it would have been really interesting if your surroundings started to change the longer you just sat their and just prayed, like people coming and repossessing the items in your home, or getting yourself evicted and eventually praying out in the street. Likewise you could choose to go out the door where your character would work and come back home, with a string of that action slowly changing your character for the better and giving him that wealth.

Either way, I don't much care for broad sweeping statements about the negative or positive effects of religion, which is why I was so disappointed with just how weak this was and how much it could have been with a little more thought or effort.

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Score: 9

"I like it."

date: September 30, 2010

This certainly deserves to be categorized as "art" in my opinion.
Just reading the reviews shows how even something seemingly simple from the outside can have many many interpretations.
I personally don't see it as a mockery of religion but more of a mockery of humankind and how it will seek aid from the selfless to fuel their selfish desires as well as their needs.

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