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Quick Tip Saves You Tons of Typing Time When Web Surfing

Thursday, March 13th, 2008 – running time 01:01
You'll never have to type those six little letters again! Watch today's Daily Tip to find out how to tell Firefox to fill in "www" and ".com" for you.

I don't know about you, but I'm just so *over* typing in the same old WWW and .COM when I want to go to a web site. It's just a total waste of my poor finger power. But did you know there's a clever way to ensure that you never have to type those words in again when you websurf? That's right, we've uncovered a secret key combination that works in both Internet Explorer and Firefox that does all the heavy lifting for you. Just give Patrick Norton 61 seconds and expunge those nasty key combinations from your life.

OS-X ( 0:26, 0:36, 0:42, 0:26, 0:36, 0:42 ) Patrick Norton ( 0:05, 0:05 ) Wikipedia ( 0:23, 0:23 ) OS-X ( 0:26, 0:36, 0:42, 0:26, 0:36, 0:42 ) Patrick Norton ( 0:05, 0:05 ) Wikipedia ( 0:23, 0:23 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" While we take a daily -- Patrick Norton. Most website -- begin with WWW and with dot com dot war dot net so why should you had to type all that it every single time attacking you or else. With equal. Guess what you can't. In the address bar just type web address and the www. Com for example Wikipedia and then hit control enter and windows or command return and OS-X. Surrounds what you type with a six -- we've all become so familiar with and so bored of tightening dot net addresses used a combination of shift in her windows and ship returned in OS-X. For dot org address this simply use control shift at her for windows or command shift return for OS-X fortunately you know remember a lot of those right. These shortcuts are great way to speed up the entry of new web addresses and you'll be surfing the web very fast and feel like a room. Takes a back -- the place by more -- product amusing how it is the other tech question particular share product daughter viewed Ellis --"

" While we take a daily -- Patrick Norton. Most website -- begin with WWW and with dot com dot war dot net so why should you had to type all that it every single time attacking you or else. With equal. Guess what you can't. In the address bar just type web address and the www. Com for example Wikipedia and then hit control enter and windows or command return and OS-X. Surrounds what you type with a six -- we've all become so familiar with and so bored of tightening dot net addresses used a combination of shift in her windows and ship returned in OS-X. For dot org address this simply use control shift at her for windows or command shift return for OS-X fortunately you know remember a lot of those right. These shortcuts are great way to speed up the entry of new web addresses and you'll be surfing the web very fast and feel like a room. Takes a back -- the place by more -- product amusing how it is the other tech question particular share product daughter viewed Ellis --"