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Share Search Results Fast

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 – running time 01:44
Easily link to search results to share with friends.

Link to Google, IMDB, Youtube and more without even visiting the page! Veronica's got a useful tip to make linking search results a snap on today's Tekzilla Daily.

Tekzilla ( 0:04, 0:10, 0:29, 0:34, 0:43, 0:44, 0:54, 1:05, 1:07, 0:04, 0:10, 0:29, 0:34, 0:43, 0:44, 0:54, 1:05, 1:07 ) Google search results ( 0:14, 0:14 ) enter code ( 1:23, 1:23 ) Wikipedia ( 0:38, 0:45, 0:38, 0:45 ) Tekzilla ( 0:04, 0:10, 0:29, 0:34, 0:43, 0:44, 0:54, 1:05, 1:07, 0:04, 0:10, 0:29, 0:34, 0:43, 0:44, 0:54, 1:05, 1:07 ) Google search results ( 0:14, 0:14 ) enter code ( 1:23, 1:23 ) Wikipedia ( 0:38, 0:45, 0:38, 0:45 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" War. Today's Tekzilla daily is to you by Welcome to Tekzilla daily I'm Veronica Belmont. And -- needed to link to a Google search results page. The URLs most results are too long to copy and paste and -- you -- you delicately at the middle step that's tedious and ultimately unnecessary. And Google dot is sampled just type GOG dot I -- slash Tekzilla and here I can't email or chat room. It'll link directly to the Google results page for Tekzilla. Even better. Who've got is works for Brian TV Wikipedia YouTube as well just type Google dot it is slash Wiki -- Tekzilla -- take you to Tekzilla Wikipedia page. -- dot is slash movie Colin watch men we'll take you to the watchman I -- PP page. And simply type Google dot is slash why Colin Tekzilla for all the -- videos on YouTube. There are several other shortcuts they can use this method to check it out at -- dot is now. Now view the temperature but you want to share -- email us at Tekzilla at And don't forget Tekzilla dot com. Big place to find more tips tricks product reviews and how to us. If you make an impact online has what you need. Dot com names as low as a dollar and 99 plus one class hosting fast and easy busing thousands and much more. Plus enter code TV -- check out and save an additional 15% on any order of 75 dollars or more some restrictions apply see site for details. Get your piece of the Internet at"

" War. Today's Tekzilla daily is to you by Welcome to Tekzilla daily I'm Veronica Belmont. And -- needed to link to a Google search results page. The URLs most results are too long to copy and paste and -- you -- you delicately at the middle step that's tedious and ultimately unnecessary. And Google dot is sampled just type GOG dot I -- slash Tekzilla and here I can't email or chat room. It'll link directly to the Google results page for Tekzilla. Even better. Who've got is works for Brian TV Wikipedia YouTube as well just type Google dot it is slash Wiki -- Tekzilla -- take you to Tekzilla Wikipedia page. -- dot is slash movie Colin watch men we'll take you to the watchman I -- PP page. And simply type Google dot is slash why Colin Tekzilla for all the -- videos on YouTube. There are several other shortcuts they can use this method to check it out at -- dot is now. Now view the temperature but you want to share -- email us at Tekzilla at And don't forget Tekzilla dot com. Big place to find more tips tricks product reviews and how to us. If you make an impact online has what you need. Dot com names as low as a dollar and 99 plus one class hosting fast and easy busing thousands and much more. Plus enter code TV -- check out and save an additional 15% on any order of 75 dollars or more some restrictions apply see site for details. Get your piece of the Internet at"